First Portable : N64 White lines/Buzzes


Hello folks :)

I figured id give another go at my portable N64 !
I used to work on it and got it running on a 7.4v battery with a psone screen and sound.
The only thing i could never get done was relocating the game port.

But now that i restarted the projected i managed to relocate the port and its working !
Hehe im just overjoyed that its actually working :)

Now for the problem :

When i attach my previous battery pack. (that used to work)
I turn the n64 on, it gives Horizontal White lines and Buzzing sound.

If i attach the stock Brick it doesnt do this and works perfectly.
So it must be the power correct ?
But i did some measurements and the voltages are correct 3.3v and 7.4v which USED to work Fine last year.

So what changed ? any ideas ? its all the same equipment as last year.
As for wiring i used bacteria's guide.
if you need anymore info like Pics orso let me know.

- Wesley762 :tophat:
I doubt that's the problem, if the stock power does not give the bars check the voltage of your batteries, check the polarity of your batteries, check your pcb. Honestly I think the batteries need charged.