I was thinking of the Escort, I got a friend that buys and repairs those pretty often. I've also seen a few firebirds go for around $1000, but I know the insurance is gonna be higher. I'm not sure if I want to learn how to drive a stick shift, I've heard it's a bit harder to learn.
Also, insurance is gonna be killer. $160 from Progressive just for liability. I pretended I was gonna have an El Camino/Ranchero. I'm probably gonna have to find a smaller company to get better rates.
T_W, I have nothin'. I'm going to buy the vehicle in a month from now, but probably won't drive it or get it insured until September. Down the road, I'd like to get an El Camino and purty it up.
Like I said, Ford or Chevy is what I'd like to stick to. My family has gone through a lot of vehicles, but the Fords and Chevys seem to last. We've had a Hyundai at one point, and a Mazda, and they all crap out. Or we're just a bit rough on our vehicles.
I've been checking craigslist pretty often. That most likely where I'm getting my car.
Thanks for the help guys!