Finding a screen for a Gamecube Portable


Hey there, I'm new to the forums so this is my first post, sorry it has to be a request for help.
This'll be my first ever project beyond painting a gameboy and simple things like that, and I know that trying to portabalize a Gamecube isn't advisable for a first time project, but I thought I'd leap right into it anyway and learn from any mistakes I make.
I've ordered a lot of stuff in preparation but I'm having trouble finding a screen because, in all honesty, I don't know jack. All I know is I don't want it too big.
Do you guys think this would be acceptable to use?
Thanks in advance.
That screen will work, but its widescreen 16:9. I think the gamecube was made for 4::3: so it might look stretched. Theres also smaller 3.5 inch screens if you want small ;).
Thanks for your help. That worries me a little though, this was the cheapest I could find, and I'm not really looking to invest a lot of money into a practice project. When you say it would look stretched, is that going to be a huge, noticeable problem? :(

Also I don't want it TOO small :D Gamecube games really deserve to be shown in full glory. One of my favourite consoles.
Some people are fine with stretching, some people hate it. Have you ever played your gamecube on a flatscreen? If so thats how stretched it will look :).
I dont think you will mind at all, plus I think some games even support it.
Wonderful! I'll order one of these then, that should complete my list of things needed. I'll keep the forum updated with progress, I suppose. This is a big step for me.
Thanks a lot for your help.
That's interesting. I was kinda planning on keeping the drive and not running homebrew, though. I'm still unsure.
Get a modchip like xeno gc. That way will you be able to start backups and home brew. You can write swiss to a disc and then use a sd gecko to boot games/home brew from the sd card.