Favorite android device?


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I'm in the market right now for a portable tablet device, I want android but I'm not looking for a new phone, just an internet tablet.

I'm currently leaning toward the archos 70, a really nice looking one, however it's just not pocket sized.

The other one is the archos 43, a smaller version but with a much smaller memory and unfortunately a resistive screen, so no multitouch. But it will actually fit in a pocket.

I do want the archos 70, but I don't want to carry it around in my hands, with a inch screen it's just too big to carry around.

So what are my options for a pocket size, multitouch, android based device that's not a phone?
A Nook Color will fit in a big pocket. ;D

Currently I don't think you have many, if any, options for an Android internet tablet that would ft in your pocket that isn't a phone. A Dell Streak might fit the bill, but it might as well be a phone considering you'd have to either get a contract or pay up the ass for it.

Seriously, though, Nook Color fits all your other needs. Beautiful capacitive multitouch screen, good amount of memory. Web browsing works beautifully for such a small device. Currently it's got a growing development scene and it recently got a version of 3.0 running. All for $250, provided you're willing to root it. It may not be as small as you're looking for, but it's amazing.
SmartQ 5 is the only one I can think of that isn't a phone or 7"+ screen. Have you looked at getting a used or contract free phone?
I may have to go with a 7 inch tablet, lest I loose a lot of app funtions.

Oh and my other option was as long as it's not going to be pocket size then I might as well get a netbook, for the same price the acer 522 fusion netbook came out, that would definitely be able to beat the small android devices for video playing. Which the main reason I wanted a new portable gadget.
I think I'll go with the archos 43, fitting in my pocket will be very convenient and even though I'm going to lose multitouch, there are not many apps that use it anyway.

I'm getting this mostly for portable video watching and music, and music it's pretty much going to be in my pocket, otherwise it would sit on a table next to me and that would be annoying, it's also going to be for controlling servers from a friends house or something, like when my tf2 server needs updating and I'm not home.
The 43 is awesome,; just throwing that out there. (I got a guy to buy one when his touch broke, tis epic)
I'd wait a bit then buy an old Dell Streak when it's dual core processor successor comes out later this year. Love my streak, runs froyo great and soon should have gingerbread thanks to DJ_Steve.
Turns out I'm going with the netbook, I need some portable computer for certain applications and needed space. I'm just going to get the 28 later for any apps and music. Only $99 is a nice price, or I can get the 32 for an extra $50 and get an extra 4GB.

Plus a fusion tablet sounds really nice. Should be able to do some counterstrike and minecraft on the go.
Which netbook? If you can afford it, go for an AMD based netbook. Even a V105 is significantly faster than Atom.
AMD netbook? X120e is the way to go, about to come out. It's got an e-350 in it and all, 3-6 hour battery life apparently. (Plus, it gets 30fps on L4D2 at medium to high settings)
Indeed. I like my x100e a lot, and the 120e is pretty much the same but even better. :awesome: Matte screen, Trackpoint, great build quality, almost full-size keyboard, screen resolution and size that compliment each other...
That's what I'm doing, it's the acer aspire one AO522, it's fusion based, so I should get some power out of it.

It's mostly going to be for extra storage and data management, plus portable hd video player.

Plus as the designated server admin of our local clan, I can use it to update the servers remotely.

I have been wanting a netbook for a long time, I always end up playing with them when I go into walmart or officemax.