

Frequent Poster
I am sure I am not the only one here who has glasses.

Anyway mine are about 4 years old and I can't afford a new pair and they are scratched up like you have no *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing idea.

Anything I can do?
Yeah all they told me was "U CAN BUY A NEW PAIR." and the guy had a face like this.

Yeah I don't understand why a thin metal frame and some little pieces of glass/plastic need to cost $300+. :neutral2:
They just sell it for about at least 4 to 5 times the cost to make it. And maybe they make you pay for the shipping of your new glasses.
If you can scrape together 60 bucks, you can get contacts at Walmart.

Teh evil place, but they have a vision center that has cheap contacts.
I don't see why someone who can't afford to replace glasses every 4 years would want to buy contacts he has to replace every few weeks.
For me, I can't get contacts. I'm very near-sighted, so I need my glasses to see far away. I have to take them off whenever I'm looking at anything less than a foot away. (like reading)
I can't just pop contacts in and out all day. :P
Once in a while I have uncontrolable double vision, even when focusing my eyes, but no need fo glasses.
I'm nearsighted, and only wear glasses in class when I need to take notes pretty much. Other than that, they stay in my pack.
jleemero said:
I don't see why someone who can't afford to replace glasses every 4 years would want to buy contacts he has to replace every few weeks.

I've had these in for a year...

epicelite said:
I don't want contacts because I don't enjoy sticking things onto my eyes. :dah:

Eh, you get used to it.

One of the best things I ever did - my glasses were your typical coke-bottle glass variety.

Mario said:
For me, I can't get contacts. I'm very near-sighted, so I need my glasses to see far away. I have to take them off whenever I'm looking at anything less than a foot away. (like reading)
I can't just pop contacts in and out all day. :P

In other words, you're supposed to be wearing bifocals, right? (They threw me in those when I was 12.) The contacts I have right now do just fine for that; I'm also very near sighted.

Seriously, contacts have a come a long way since the '80s :dah:
I can't get Contacts for my eyes for silly reasons that the fancy eye-doctor lady couldn't find the words to explain.
Kinda pisses me off, I'd much prefer it.

I don't wear my glasses anyway, even though I should.
My vision is actually just fine, in one eye...
My right eye is so horribly mangled that honestly I can't read Billboards with it alone.
But because my left compensates so well, I see fine, near, far, etc.
I just have horrible depth perception :P

A Flatter World is Mine.