Electric Scooter won't start

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A friend found a Schwinn electric scooter in some suburban alleyway and gave to me to repair- it appears to be in pretty nice shape, but it won't start. The batteries don't work for one thing (bulging), so I'll have to replace those, but I'm not sure if the motor works either.

My question is, how would I test a 24v 11A motor without the battery. any help appreciated!
A 24V power supply capable of supplying 11 amps.

Also, you'd probably do better for yourself to NOT call respected members "fat" in the tinychat when they're working on a project and are most definitely not fat. JUST SAYIN' :wink:
internettruthmachine said:
i'm getting 200$ medical supplies. lol, may i please have a real reply and not some smug non-info ?
What kind of battery does it use? If it uses a car battery you could hook the scooter up with a car battery charger.
The_Rock said:
A 24V power supply capable of supplying 11 amps.

Also, you'd probably do better for yourself to NOT call respected members "fat" in the tinychat when they're working on a project and are most definitely not fat. JUST SAYIN' :wink:
Uhh, I highly doubt an electric scooter draws 11 amps.
You can see if it works with a car battery or other 12V source, if you connect it right to the motor provided it's not brushless, in which case you're screwed. You'll get 1/4 of the power at half the voltage, because it's also half the amps IIRC. It might not go at all but it should spin.
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