EDITl Xbox arcade stick?


No Stranger To Love
I've been thinking about booting up my Wii again, but solely to play Neo Geo games. What are the top 5 Neo Geo games?

I've decided against the Wii. Sorry Wii :(

I totally forgot about my modded Xbox, which has Mame on it, with (literally) over 9000 Mame ROMs. It has all the arcade games I'd ever need.

Are there any Xbox arcade sticks that are normal looking and don't have curves 'n flax?
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

METAL SLUG. You must play it. Tons of fun and addictive as Heck.

Also, the Puzzle Bobbe/Bust-a-Move/whatever-you-call-it series. Also tons of fun and addictive as Heck.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Build a MAME cabby instead :awesome: Use an old PC w/ monitor + Speakers, and build cabby for about $100
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Yay, emulators that have 3-5 frame controls lag! (Any PC will with an emulator - windows' HID management just isn't so fast)
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Bibin said:
Yay, emulators that have 3-5 frame controls lag! (Any PC will with an emulator - windows' HID management just isn't so fast)

Never noticed that. And yay, a Wii with a cheap POS arcade stick is just such an authentic experience.

The solution here is of course CMVS.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

The wii will do a better job than a PC-based emulator. The amount of OS nonsense getting in the way of the input-handling code is far less, and it outputs 30hz video signals. Far more authentic.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Yeah, but you have to pay for VC games.

I still maintain that CMVS or Supergun is the best setup.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Aren't there Neo-Geo emulators for the Wii? If so, you wouldn't have to pay for the ROMs.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Twilight Wolf said:
Convenience: Why I usually get stuff for free even though i could pay for it, if i werent so cheap. XD
fix'd for great justice. :awesome:
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

I've decided against the Wii. Sorry Wii :(

I totally forgot about my modded Xbox, which has Mame on it, with (literally) over 9000 Mame ROMs. It has all the arcade games I'd ever need.

Are there any Xbox fight sticks that are normal looking and don't have curves 'n flax?
I was actually considering something similar as well because I wanted to build a Xbox based MAME cabinet. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the xbox version of MAME lets you use a keyboard on it, so you could just hack one of those up similar to what some people do on a PC MAME cabinet, however thats far from ideal. If you have the cash, you could also go for one of these though. Tbh, I'm still doing research myself on it, so if I find anything better I'll let you know.
couldnt you just use a PC arcade pad? after all, the xbox is SB, so with a little driver hacking, it would prolly work.
Build one, you lazy bum! Rip apart an old XBOX pad, get some :awesome: Japanese parts and build a case out of wood. This way you can also customize it the way you want. Make it subdued or very blingy, or anywhere in between.
DON'T BUY THE X-ARCADE THING. I had one. Joystsicks are a bit bleh, and it gets random control stick sometimes.

The Street fighter IV TE stick by MadCatz sounds about right for you. Obviously you can do more with it than street fighter, and it works on 360 and PC in the same unit.

or do what I did: buy some Sanwa arcade parts, grab the nearest apple floppy drive:

Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Bibin said:
Yay, emulators that have 3-5 frame controls lag! (Any PC will with an emulator - windows' HID management just isn't so fast)

I've never encountered that either.

I've used arcade sticks and controllers both, and neither one had any lag.

Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

robm said:
I've never noticed that either.

Fixed :neutral2: It's an inherant hardware flaw. USB is partially to blame, the latency-tastic host:cleint bus it is.

It won't matter 99% of the time. Just note that a perfect emulator is a literal impossibility.
Re: Best Neo Geo AES/CD games?

Bibin said:
It won't matter 99% of the time. Just note that a perfect emulator is a literal impossibility.
Completely true!
But good enough emulators are an absolute reality :)