Edgeworth comes to the US tomorrow

Nintendo is evil, they are against any sort of homebrew and as a gamer the Wii makes me sad. Sony is evil, for too many small but significant reasons to lift. Microsoft, console-wise anyway, is evil, because they charge way too much for anything that says XBOX or LIVE. Sega is evil, because they gave up the fight too quick.
XCVG said:
Nintendo is evil, they are against any sort of homebrew
Just like the other 2 members of the Big 3?

Microsoft are the closest to giving us "Homebrew", in a sense, with Xbox Live Indie Games.
It's not totally open, but it's a nice service honestly.

Nintendo and Sony both fight it religiously.
XCVG said:
Nintendo is evil, they are against any sort of homebrew and as a gamer the Wii makes me sad. Sony is evil, for too many small but significant reasons to lift. Microsoft, console-wise anyway, is evil, because they charge way too much for anything that says XBOX or LIVE. Sega is evil, because they gave up the fight too quick.

Nintendo did give us Shigeru Miyamoto. Just sayin....
PalmerTech said:
jleemero said:


Also, not excited. Ima wait for reviews, I dislike the fact there are no courtroom showdowns.
Who removed linux capabilities in the slim ps3, probably once they saw lots of people running emulators under ubuntu.

Bleh, I hate them all. The Wii doesn't have anything interestingmature enough to play, the 360 charges an arm and a leg for everything from peripherals to online play, and the PS3 gets the glitchiest, most unsupported version of multi-platform games.
But it's not really a console war if you hate them all!

Anyway, the newest console I have is an XBOX. No next-gen stuff for me. Now that I think about it though, I have all the last gen consoles, but my PS2 doesn't work.
By PW at first I thought you meant Perfect World International. :lol:

What do you actually do in Phoenix Wright games? Like, what makes it a fun series?
You collect evidence, and you use logic and the evidence to prove your client is not guilty in a court of law. They just make it so absurdly over the top that it becomes awesome, though.
It's one of those games that just sounds incredibly retarded when you hear about it, so you just have to buy it on faith. You won't be disappointed though.

Wait, so can I just walk down to walmart and buy it today? Or is it one of those weird things where it comes out the day after the release date. (stupid animal crossing wild world)
Just beat the first case.

It was pretty awesome, Edgeworth kicking ass outside the courtroom.

Better than it sounds.

"A contradiction? I'm starting to sound like him." :3

Meh, I didn't really like Ace Attorney. The puzzles were mostly too absurd and obtuse and I had to keep referring to a walkthrough. Also, although I know it's supposed to be linear and closed, it would be a lot better if it was more open, with more than one way to win in court. *prepares to get flamed*