Double the fun while on the run.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the atrocious title, but I couldn't resist. :roll:

Anyway, this is my entry for the April Fools contest (which better be a real contest!).


Terrible quality pictures and video, I know.

If you can't tell what this is, it's two gameboy games shoved into the same cartridge shell for easier storing/carrying while on the go. All you have to do is flip the cart over to play the other game; the two games being Centipede and Tetris. Centipede is played when the cartridge is in normally, and Tetris when it's in backwards. The only two problems I've had so far with is is that it's a tight fit (yes, that's what she said, etc.) and that the Tetris side wouldn't work in a DMG without some cutting to the cart or DMG. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the result. :mrgreen:

**Credit goes to my brother for shopping up the two stickers for me.


Fixed your Youtube embed for you. I need to get with the admin to see if these April Fool's entries need to be stickied, or what.
I demand a video of this without you "dropping" the cart off screen. IT IS FAEK!1!!!!!@@!22!212!@!2121!1!11!1111ELEVENDYONE22!@@!2!1
Bibin said:
Good frontlight, Jewjo.

Nice fake cart mod too!
Actually, the frontlight is starting to blink and I think something is wrong with it.
And the cart mod is real. I guess I'll make another vid shortly.

Edit: Do any of you really think I'm that talented to fake that video? :rofl:

EDIT2: Here it is for anyone who wanted it.
Yeah, I thought it was real. I actually had the thought of doing this once before :P
It just seems really suspicious with the falling.
βeta said:
I've never seen the inside of a gameboy cartridge. how hard was it to fit both in?

(Tetris on the left, Centipede on the right. Don't mind the solder on the first and last leads or the two drilled wholes on the tops of the shells. I had an LED attached each cart at one point, but I think I fried them, so I took them out.)

Very, the cart is slightly bulging actually--hence the tight fit. I had originally planned to do this mod with two pokemon games or something, but any game with a battery* was too hard to squeeze together with another game. Most non-saving games look like Centipede from my experience, and even two of those were pretty impossible to fit together. Tetris was the only game with such a barren board that I found (I didn't really look hard though), but you could easily fit four in one shell if you wanted (!!!).

It might be possible to fit two non-saving boards in one shell if the ICs were relocated, but that would probably be more trouble than it's worth. Maybe move the left one to under the right one. I dunno, I'm just spitballing here.

*I'm at my grandma's house at the moment and don't have one to take a picture of.