Hi there! I've already searched this forum for topics related to my request to no avail so here I go. I use my beloved ageing xbox to watch DVDs and stream stuff from my PC. I recently bought a 40" LCD Sony Bravia to replace a very old 27" CRT TV I was using. Problem is that my xbox looks like plain crap in this TV as well as any other sources using composite video. I tried to find the component cables or HD pack fro the box but since it's too old, I can't find any where. So I'm here asking you if it's possible to build it myself, using a couple of the standard def, composite cables. I've read somewhere that it's possible, but I'm not too versed in technical stuff, yet have to learn soldering (I learn fast) and have a couple of questions regarding the cables and the pins they must be attached to. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give me.