the arduino can easly be used as a analog to digital converter,
but it would be a 28 pin chip + crap to get it to work right.
the main down side to the ATtiny is it only has 6 i/o pins (in / out) but if you code it like this
ground, potentiometer ground here
voltage (+) pin, 1.8v to 5.5V / and potentiometer + pin here too
i/o pin 1, potentiometer 1 signal (center pin)
i/o pin 2, potentiometer 2 signal (center pin)
i/o pin 3, d pad up
i/o pin 4, d pad down
i/o pin 5, d pad left
i/o pin 6, d pad right
the base voltage for 1/o pin 1 is set to what ever the joystick puts out at the resting position,
if i/o pin 1 goes high it sends signal to the "d pad up"
if i/o pin 1 goes low it sends signal to the "d pad down"
the base voltage for 1/o pin 2 is set to what ever the joystick puts out at the resting position,
if i/o pin 2 goes high it sends signal to the "d pad left"
if i/o pin 2 goes low it sends signal to the "d pad right"
looks like it can be done (to me). what do you guy's and gal's think?