D-pad to joystick?


Well-Known Member
Right, I want to make a d-pad to joystick mod for an Nes controller. Right now I've got some crap membranes epoxied in place under the proper directions but I would like it to be true analog, for sake of longevity. The only method I've seen so far is this one here,but it doesn't really work for me. Is there any way for me to use a micro-controller and convert the analog signal to digital?
superben51 said:
Is there any way for me to use a micro-controller and convert the analog signal to digital?

If you can write the code (or have someone do it for you), then yes.

You might even be able to use a ATtiny , 45 or 85 (small 8 pin IC) you'll need a Arduino (or similar device) to program it.
NOT Analog, though.

http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/e ... ND/2138044


Used here:

the arduino can easly be used as a analog to digital converter,
but it would be a 28 pin chip + crap to get it to work right.

the main down side to the ATtiny is it only has 6 i/o pins (in / out) but if you code it like this

ground, potentiometer ground here
voltage (+) pin, 1.8v to 5.5V / and potentiometer + pin here too
i/o pin 1, potentiometer 1 signal (center pin)
i/o pin 2, potentiometer 2 signal (center pin)
i/o pin 3, d pad up
i/o pin 4, d pad down
i/o pin 5, d pad left
i/o pin 6, d pad right

the base voltage for 1/o pin 1 is set to what ever the joystick puts out at the resting position,
if i/o pin 1 goes high it sends signal to the "d pad up"
if i/o pin 1 goes low it sends signal to the "d pad down"
the base voltage for 1/o pin 2 is set to what ever the joystick puts out at the resting position,
if i/o pin 2 goes high it sends signal to the "d pad left"
if i/o pin 2 goes low it sends signal to the "d pad right"

looks like it can be done (to me). what do you guy's and gal's think?
superben51 said:
Pfft... I already got a way easier way figured out, I just wanted to know if you knew if there was any way for me to use a micro-controller and convert the analog signal to digital for no reason.