CubefusionPAL Teaser video


Well-Known Member
A little teaser video for my upcoming Gamecube portable, CubefusionPAL.

that i finished making today in iMovie on mac,

enjoy :)

Credits: (where credit is due)

[SHOOP} Envision - Shockslayer
Explanation of Envision - Tchay

New YT plugin is more intuitive! And just when we were getting the hang of the old one.
Great job on the video! Haha I love it! You know, you got some video editing skills right thar. You should keep making them and join me and Shockslayer in making crazy shoop vids!

Good luck finishing up the portable 8)
It all makes sense now. The envision didn't die. They faked it's death when it went overseas so it could undergo a region change operation and nobody would know it's past as an NTSC.
Tchay said:
Great job on the video! Haha I love it! You know, you got some video editing skills right thar. You should keep making them and join me and Shockslayer in making crazy shoop vids!

Good luck finishing up the portable 8)

yep, thanx tchay :mrgreen:
i love making videos in general, just for fun really my youtube account i made in 08, i did for a joke and did random videos with various effects etc.
i simply love iMovie :)
that sounds like a great idea, man i'd be happy too help you and SS out with crazy SHOOP videos :)

grossaffe said:
It all makes sense now. The envision didn't die. They faked it's death when it went overseas so it could undergo a region change operation and nobody would know it's past as an NTSC.

um, not really. my story i made ups is Fan fiction. not real. but so funny, hahah
ShockSlayer said:
I think that's what he meant.

I love seeing a shoop video redux'd, nice work.


thanx SS
i really enjoyed making this video :)
it was SO cool, the USPS part seemed more demonic now what with text, music and all.

they are like toreturers towards the Envision, hahahah.