Commodore 64 questions

Mister Shuckle

Active Member
Does anyone here know how I can easily and cheaply get a TV hookup, power cord and disk drive for a Commodore 64? Specifically a Commodore 64C if there's any variation in these. I found one under my bed, but it's missing these things and four of the buttons and I BADLY want to play it after having been seperated from it for around 12 years. Not that I really have any games for it. Do floppy disks work on these?
I say that you should hook up an ide or CF card port instead of a disk drive or use a c64oac.
How do you get those, and are they expensive? I also hear the C64OAC only uses built in games, but maybe that could be my first portable? (Later on when I get a job, of course. :P)
Get some wire and shove the wires into the holes. Ugly and delicate, but it should work. Of course, bumping it would be a very bad idea. In fact, blowing on it would be a very bad idea.

And you are probably going to have to find a floppy drive or some sort of PC interface. I think the C64 might have a cart slot but I'm not sure.