choice a lcd


hi i am making a game cube portale
i am 12 i know about computer and linux/mac/windows/ect

i look on online but i cant find a good lcd

i need a good one but not to be like $100
Do you know how to solder as well? If not there really isn't going to be much of a point in trying to make a GCp. They have very small solder points and you're going to have to solder a lot of different wires to make it small.

As for a screen, if you want something cheap just get on ebay and look up "rearview lcd" and it will come up with a bunch of screens on the cheap.
I know how to solder good.

I open up the gamecube and i think i can solder to it.

Do you know if is a good .com to buy from i but a lcd from it but it benn 3week.

Thank you for the RearView lcd tip i will buy one as i find out if the lcd from dx is conming or not
Yeah, DX is reputable. They just put your package on a boat coming from china. I find it takes about 4-5 weeks