Capacitance help


Hi everybody!

I got some problem with a cap and i need to know the capacitance to replace it.
Here is a pictures:

I've try to switch it with many among the psone screen board but i didnt have any luck yet :(
My project was 100% fonctional before the accident that killed that cap XD

Any help will be appreciated :mrgreen:
Where is that board from? It provides no capacitance indicators other than it's #110 (118? I can't tell) on the board. If you google what the board is (psone screen?) and the capacitor number you miiiight get some results. Otherwise, just try some random ones and see what works. Unless it's timing-related, almost anything close-ish should work.
Aux said:
Where is that board from? It provides no capacitance indicators other than it's #110 (118? I can't tell) on the board. If you google what the board is (psone screen?) and the capacitor number you miiiight get some results. Otherwise, just try some random ones and see what works. Unless it's timing-related, almost anything close-ish should work.

It's C118, it come from a psone board. I've tried google and also try to get the service manual without sucess. I've taken random caps to make a switch without any good result. The screen open and display for about 3 secs and after it doesnt work. Someone on this forum told me to jump it but i'm scared to kill my psone screen! :shock:
Here is an update!

So i've got some caps and i tested them out. The only one that seems to be working to replace the C118, seems to be a 16v 1000uf. Right now my screen and my nes are working. There is one thing thought, my screen has randomly some vertical wave on it. These waves happen before and after replacing C118. I took a video here to show if anyone has a problem like this :

From what i can see, it seem that some noise is getting into my video signal. How can i prevent that? I've tried to put filter on my video signal without any sucess...
Dat Cap was probably filtering out noise from something like the power supply, and now the cap you have isn't doing that job correctly.

I'm pretty sure that cap isn't right anyway because that sounds electrolytic, and you can't make one with those specs in the form factor it was (the little smd block) so I'm pretty sure though it might work you still need to play around. Do you have any ceramics to try? The capacitor that was there was most likely ceramic.

Electrolytic (no)

Ceramic (yes)

I've tried 4 different values of ceramic caps but i didnt get any picture or backlight.
Its weird because i also think that C118 was for filtering out noise...

I dont have an oscilloscope right now to see the voltage getting so i dont have any idea what to put there. So far i've tried 10nf-100v, 22nf-100v, 10pf-500v, 22pf-500v.

Any idea or comment shall be appreciated :mrgreen: