Buying some parts, want to get money's worth.


Well-Known Member
So I'm about to order $8.06 worth of jacks and crystals from mouser, and the estimated shipping cost is just short of 8 bucks. I have exactly $22 dollars left on my account, and I feel that I should add about 6 dollars worth of stuff to my shopping cart so that when I need some parts in the future, I won't get raped by shipping again. My question to you guys is what parts will I probably need later, or would benefit from having? Assume I have nothing already if it helps.
samjc3 said:
where are you buying from? thats total shipping rape!
Wherever is based. I'm in Florida, if that's what you mean. If you know of a better site, please tell me.
Jewjo said:
samjc3 said:
where are you buying from? thats total shipping rape!
Wherever is based. I'm in Florida, if that's what you mean. If you know of a better site, please tell me.
digikey and sparkfun probably both have what you need. :wink:
samjc3 said:
Jewjo said:
samjc3 said:
where are you buying from? thats total shipping rape!
Wherever is based. I'm in Florida, if that's what you mean. If you know of a better site, please tell me.
digikey and sparkfun probably both have what you need. :wink:
I couldn't find what I want on sparkfun, and digikey's $20 minimum + shipping conflicts with my budget. I think I'll just have to bend over and take the high shipping rate. :/
AFAIK they both cost just as much for shipping. Eight dollars isn't bad. Suck it up, that's life. It's not like up here where we routinely deal with $20 shipping PLUS $30 in brokerage fees.