bugman's new n64 portable -The GameboyAdvance64


Well-Known Member
I actually finished this months before but due to a faulty screen it wasnt operational until recently when I got motivated to replace the screen. I want to thank hailrazer for this because I modeled this after his n64boy advance. I even used the same tact switch buttons as he did.

I just realized that something went wrong in the video. For some reason youtube skipped like 3 minutes of the video. Thats strange. Oh well.

-no batteries -It run off of wall power
-jumper pak
-xbox360 analog stick
-nes dpad
-4.3 inch screen
-2 psone screen speakers
-volume adjust buttons
-2 z buttons
-includes l button

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRaEI4Qw ... e=youtu.be
To be completely honest, it's been a long time since I've seen someone come out with so many portables so quickly. At this rate, I'd not be surprised if I saw you put an N64 into an actual GBA. I think it's possible. Getting the N64 to run off of AA's is something I've been wanting to do for awhile too.

Good work!

ShockSlayer said:
To be completely honest, it's been a long time since I've seen someone come out with so many portables so quickly. At this rate, I'd not be surprised if I saw you put an N64 into an actual GBA. I think it's possible. Getting the N64 to run off of AA's is something I've been wanting to do for awhile too.

Good work!

I've been working on another n64p on commission for only 14 days, and it'll probably be done in a week considering everything is in the case except for the r and z buttons which are coming in the mail still since im using tact switches with caps. http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd5 ... c14f2a.jpg
I've thought of doing that before but the measurements are really close. I think its possible too though. Why would you run it off of AAs though? Why not small lipos?

Drakon said:
This portable deserves a better video, looks awesome.
I totally agree, but all i have is a crappy digital camera.
Popping in another set of AA's is faster than recharging. :P I haven't looked into batteries though because I've got another N64 to finish first.
ShockSlayer said:
Popping in another set of AA's is faster than recharging. :P I haven't looked into batteries though because I've got another N64 to finish first.
Well then you will be popping them in every 30 minutes.

oh and an n64 in gba is possible as long as that trim is possible.
bugman, awesome work on your new n64p :)

this is fantastic,

nothing less from the owner of the case i got from for my cubefusionPAL portable :)

you amaze me every time, man :)
your cases are simply marvelous :mrgreen:
Yeh bugman keep up the good work!!!! Everything looks AMAZING so far. Can't wait to see more progress :)
bugman said:
Well then you will be popping them in every 30 minutes.

oh and an n64 in gba is possible as long as that trim is possible. -snip-

I don't know if I'd use that trim, requires a whole lot more rewiring than this:

This one shifts the trim upward so you don't have to deal with the CPU/RCP wiring. For more space you can trim though the jumper slots pins. I'd need to get my hands on a GBA case so I can do proper measurements, but there's no reason either of these two trims shouldn't work.
