Bit By Bit EP <3


Lightbulbs are awesome!
So, yo. I'll be posting my chiptune tracks in here as I go. If I can be arsed to really do some work, I might make a full album called Bit By Bit (I thought it was quite clever :awesome:).

Here is track 01: Where Have You Gone. ... 28LSDJ%29/
I'm personally really happy with this one, because the first comment left on it was from cTrix, and I'm kind of a closet fanboy of his. He wished my luck with LSDJ as well, which is great, because I feel I need it :p

Track 03: Poomp.
I'm really satisfied with this. I tried to get a more cohesive sound out of it, and I think I did.

Me and Keenes: Here I Am.
Holy sex.

<3 always,
I like it. :awesome: Definitely post the album once it's done; I'll love to hear it. :)
Thanks guys! I will be posting the work in progress as I go on here, and will post the finished album here.

Working on a new track tonight, it sounds very panicky and alarming. I'm excited for it so far.
Maybe i'm just spoiled on anamaunaguchi and the album of PPPPPP, but i didnt enjoy them very much. the sounds were odd and not smooth, didnt fit well together, and didnt have any really fitting melodies or anything. I assume you are just beginning, so good start, but needs work.

Had I known you were going to create awesome tracks like this, I would have held out and sold you my LSDJ.

I really enjoyed the last two. MORE I SAY!!!!!1!!1!!!
Oh my god. I love JAK. I love this track.