Beginning my Modding - LED's?


Okay, well, I've posted several times before saying things like "hay i wunt tuh start moding i wud liek 2 do this but i prolly wont lol ok here listen"...okay, well, maybe a bit more civilized than that, but basically random ideas I had which I never actually did.

Well, I want to get into modding FOR REALZIES now. I've built a computer at age 15, and I really like the looks of a lot of these electrical stuffs. It looks like paradise to me, messing with wiring and crap, considering I'm a huge geek/nerd.

I want to start small, though, in my free time. I'm thinking of just some small experiments with LED's. Nothing fancy or pretty, just some experimenting to familiarize myself with how these electrical parts work. I was thinking, for a very first project, a strip (or ring?) of LED lights with a little switch to turn them on and off, and a AAA battery to power it. I'd sure love to know exactly the materials and tools I would need to make such a thing, how much it would cost, and how I would actually do it. I would prefer to have a text/picture-based tutorial, as it's rather annoying to pause a video and rewind it constantly. I suppose I would just learn better from a text one, if it's written well.

So some of you may remember me from waaay back, and I was probably a bit annoying...looking back, I feel a bit embarrassed. I'll try and be a bit more reasonable and less annoying, and try and actually DO something, as opposed to just stare at people's threads and comment "omg lolz it looks gud i want it :p".

So, my actual "worklog" will be in a different forum when I actually get around to making this, I just want to know HOW I'd actually do this.

Also, I'd like for an absolute beginner's tutorial to LED's be stickied or something, just to give a little guide on the kinds of things you can do with them.
