Battery life increase to get 2hours help?


Well-Known Member
Hay everyone,
Gamer here.
I did the battery life test for my pack, I fully charged it to the full voltage (8.29-28) using the TLP-4000 charger.

I tested it all the way through until the pack ran out of power. And got this time on my stopwatch:

01h 24min. (On a 7.4v @ 5000mah)

I'm aiming for 2h or more,

How can I achieve this?

Using - 5200mah pack? Or a 6000mah? Or a 6300mah?
well that sould have givin you tha 2 hours maybe its something runing the volts down like crazy you should check the fan and try to get one with 5v input the should totaly give you like 20 to 30 more min and adding a 5.1v reg should give you about the same deal so there is 2 hours
If it's the first cycle of the battery, it wont give you full capacity, charge and discharge some times and it will give you the full capacity.
Using the time you got with that battery, you would need a 6700mAh battery to get 2 hours.
I'm not a GC expert, but you should be getting more time with that battery.
thecasperrojas said:
well that sould have givin you tha 2 hours maybe its something runing the volts down like crazy you should check the fan and try to get one with 5v input the should totaly give you like 20 to 30 more min and adding a 5.1v reg should give you about the same deal so there is 2 hours

um, i see what you smear, but wouldn't it be easier and less hussle to get a bigger capacity pack?

like a 6000 ma or 7200 ma?

i found some packs on amazon uk.
i mean if a 5000 mA pack gives me 1H 24Min @ full charge (8.29-28),
then maybe a 6000 mA can give me 2H 24Min @ it's full charge?

im saying this baised n my current setup that im using (GC/wiikey/audio amp (4.5v)/fan (12v-7.4v)/screen).

kogumelow said:
If it's the first cycle of the battery, it wont give you full capacity, charge and discharge some times and it will give you the full capacity.

um, i didn't test it the very first time i fully charged it, but the second time. so your saying that the first time it loses some power and

then after 2 or 3 charges/discharges it regains it's proper capacity?
vskid3 said:
Using the time you got with that battery, you would need a 6700mAh battery to get 2 hours.
I'm not a GC expert, but you should be getting more time with that battery.

um, yeah that sounds good, assuming the setup is the same, it should work to get 2hours.

what about using this 7.4v @ 7200 mA? ... H34FY2ZBQA

assuming the same setup is used for this as was for the 5000 pack which gave 1H 24mins,
how much would this give out? 2h 50min or more?
midgetman104 said:
are you powering the gpu and the cpu separately?

not sure if im powering the CPU/GPU separately, i'll need to ask ashen for that info, since he's the one who modded my gc board and stuff. he'll know

what's the difference between powering the CPU/GPU separately or powering both together?
midgetman104 said:
you'll get a pretty significant battery increase if you power them separately

um, yeah, but im not sure if they are powered together or separately.
thanx for the info, midgetman104
Scroll down halfway on this page to see the info on powering the CPU and GPU seperately (1.7v for GPU and 1.5v for the CPU).

You get yourself an extra 200mAh (about the draw of a screen or maybe a fan) for powering them separately.

Now, 7.4 at 5000mAh should be enough to get 2 hours battery life or at least close to 2 hours.

Gamecube draws 1700mAh from 7.4v batts (with 3 regulators).

so lets say 1700mAh + 500mAh for your screen, fan, and sound amp (rough guess) = 2200mAh.

5000mAh/2200mAh = 2.27 hours battery life. So you should be gettting at LEAST 2 hours and 16 minutes. Unless you only have 2 regulators and your screen/fan/amp setup is drawing more than 500mAh for some reason.

If you want, you could try testing the batteries running just the gamecube and sound amp, but not have the screen hooked up. Blast the volume and you will be able to listen for when the batteries shut off the system. You can see if there's a big difference in battery life to determine if your screen is simply a power hog. You can try the same thing with other components as well.

I've also noticed that the 5" Dalian screens can be power hogs (700-800mAh draw). But that could be because of the progressive scan gameplay. I'll have to compaire battery life in 480i to that of 480p one of these days.
Awesome, I'm currently working on my envision rip off and I think I figured out how to squeeze 2 more 2600mah cylindrical cells into the same space without sacrificing function.

With this it will bring the battery life close to four hours!

Could you back up this discovery with some guide pictures?

Next thing is to get a teensy or similar to automatically press the Wiikey button on boot and I think we can get something impressive
They are regulated separately. Pretty much what this amounts to is those camcorder batts that everyone swears by over in Bacland are garbage, or you're doing something else wrong.

Using a 7.4v 5000mah setup, even without separately regulated CPU and GPU voltages should still net you roughly 2hrs. Since you're already 45mins shy of that I'm going with what I've said above.
Tchay said:
Now, 7.4 at 5000mAh should be enough to get 2 hours battery life or at least close to 2 hours.

Gamecube draws 1700mAh from 7.4v batts (with 3 regulators).

so lets say 1700mAh + 500mAh for your screen, fan, and sound amp (rough guess) = 2200mAh.

5000mAh/2200mAh = 2.27 hours battery life. So you should be gettting at LEAST 2 hours and 16 minutes. Unless you only have 2 regulators and your screen/fan/amp setup is drawing more than 500mAh for some reason.

If you want, you could try testing the batteries running just the gamecube and sound amp, but not have the screen hooked up. Blast the volume and you will be able to listen for when the batteries shut off the system. You can see if there's a big difference in battery life to determine if your screen is simply a power hog. You can try the same thing with other components as well.

thanx for the very useful info, tchay :) i can try the sound/gc only test and see how long it runs for without the screen.

um, well according to my current setup:

Screen (4::3:):

Operating Power: 9-24v (DC)
Current consumption: 3W (MAX)

Audio Amp (tchay amp):

speaker: GBA/DS Lite: ? Watts

Fan: ... 81BK-S.htm

12v at 0.14A.

works fine on 12V and 7.4v

GC: GPU and CPU are regulated separately, like ashen mentions here (thanx for the helpful info, man):

Ashen said:
They are regulated separately.

um this setup runs for 01H 24min,

maybe the fan might be the issue or the speaker or maybe that the screen's 3W consumes alot of power, or that the fan is connected to the 12v line or something. my setup I'm using currently is the one above.

my current setup looks a little confusing cause the values aren't all the same, i mean to add everything up correctly etc :p.

so, tchay, in reguards to the info you gave me here i should theoretically be able to run my gc and all off my 5000 mAh pack to get (roughly/about) 2hours.

i wonder why it is not the case? maybe fan or screen or amp?

anyways, I'm close to 2hours with my setup which is great, but i may need a higher mAh pack to reach 2hours if i use this current setup?

like a 7800 mAh pack?

that will work to give me 2 hours or more?

Ashen said:
They are regulated separately. Pretty much what this amounts to is those camcorder batts that everyone swears by over in Bacland are garbage, or you're doing something else wrong.

Using a 7.4v 5000mah setup, even without separately regulated CPU and GPU voltages should still net you roughly 2hrs. Since you're already 45mins shy of that I'm going with what I've said above.

thanx for the useful info, ashen :)
the fact is that im nearly to the target 2 hours or maybe 2.5 or 3.
just missing those 45mins like you mehioned before.
so the pack i have can give me 2hours for sure or roughly close to it, as my test proves, very close to 2h.

thanx tchay and Ashen for your help on my battery life problem,

this needs a bit more research and testing from my part, that is.
is the power going through a linear regulator or a switching regulator? A switching regulator will be more power-efficient than a linear regulator.
Ashen said:
Switching regs

thanx ashen :)
switching regs and CPU and GPU powered seprately's asweome :mrgreen:

now, to figure out how to get if not the 45mins so i can use the 5000 mah pack. 'If" possible.

i have a 7800 mah pack, which should work for gettng 2h or more (maybe).