

Evening everyone,

My second N64 is coming along alot better than the first which died due to a bad expansion port relocation.

Now, I've got my Ps1 screen and a few bits on the way.

But last thing I need is batteries!

Can anyone suggest anything reasonable? I was thinking something like this stick on Battery Spaces website? ... Stick.aspx

Would that be suitable?

And as for wiring it up with a smart charger, do I simply wire the smart charger port directly in parallel to the battery? So I can charge and play simultaneously?

Other than that, its coming along quite well, and will get some pics up soon. :)


Thanks for the response. Annoyingly, BenHecks forum is blocked on my work PC's. No worry though, I used google to cache the page and managed to continue my research.

Now another, and hopefully my last question.

I came across the following website, and it included the following diagram.


Now, am I right in saying:

- Obviously, position 1 (up) batteries powering device solely.
- When the switch is at position 2 (down) it is charging the batteries.

- Now, whilst that is obvious, what isn't is the charging jacks. Does this mean I would need 2 chargers?! One, to charge the batteries, and a second 7.2v to power the device? As that is what it looks like, although I am unsure still?

Now if what I said is correct, would flicking the switch from position 1 to position 2 cut power to the console? Or would it continue to work with the minute interuption to power?

And finally, if what I said is correct, is it not possible to wire the whole thing up with 1 AC power adapter/ charger?

Many thanks for all your help guys, this project wouldn't be possible without you all :lol:

You need a smart charger to charge the batteries.

Then you need a wall adapter to power the portable when charging the batteries.

You can't charge the batteries and play at the same time off one charger. The smart charger does not work that way.

When you flip the switch it most likely will turn off the system for a second.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Hailrazer.

So to confirm, batteries > charging circuit > smart charger.

I will start looking around for some nice Li-Po batteries to fit, hopefully be able to find something in the UK as I believe the postage from batteryspace can be a bit high for international deliveries. . . .

