Basic NESp


Active Member
A while back after having it sit around for a few years I decided to finish my NESp. I finished it late augustish.
It runs off AA batteries, has a tiny ass screen, but it works!
Has 4 hours of playtime, good sound quality, everything in a basic lame, but functional NESp

I liek.
I can't wait 'til I have enough experience under my belt that I can just throw something together like this.
^Me too. All my small projects work great, but when I get into anything that relates to gaming, I might as well consider it broken without even starting.
Tchay: *looks at motherboard*
Motherboard: *fries*
Tchay: "aaand that makes 47"

BTW, great job SonyPortablizer. Fun fact, when I first endorsed the idea of making a portable on Benheck. I was seriously considering making a portable SNES. In fact, I had bought a mini SNES online and was getting ready to try and trim it. Eventually I scrapped it to take on the GC.
I love how everyone is like "Great nesp dude" even though it sucks cause theyr being nice, and ive made much better portables :p
And dont forget pLover may not be able to make a portable but he can fly!
Heck yeah, I can fly better than all o y'alls

But hey, it's still a pretty nice portable. it's pretty small, and as far as the picture can show, it's got some pretty nice casework. THough it is pretty dark, maybe it just looks worse in real life.
pLover said:
Heck yeah, I can fly better than all o y'alls

But hey, it's still a pretty nice portable. it's pretty small, and as far as the picture can show, it's got some pretty nice casework. THough it is pretty dark, maybe it just looks worse in real life.
Because that video wasnt real life?