Backlight Problems (reflective film)

Hi everyone

I have serious problems with backlighting both MGB and DMG consoles. I'll be very specific so the post could be a bit long, sorry.

Right now i have only 1 MGB backlighted, this is because the reflective film of the display was VERY easy to pull off so i did the mod in less than 15minutes.

Removing the reflective from other LCD i had, was something terrible and broke all of them :(

Sometimes the reflective is attached so hard that it cant be removed with 1 pass like every tutorial shows, i need to use cutter and peel little pieces until i removed it all..
Also, after i did this, i have in my hand a display FULL of glue, and i really cant make it go away, i tried with Alchol, nail polish remover, kitchen degreaser.... Rubbing (carefully obviously) with everything, and glue was still there.
Im talking about HOURS.

i have only 1 MGB backlighted, this is because the reflective film of the display was VERY easy to pull off so i did the mod in less than 15minutes.

Well the result of handling over and over the display was

1st display: broke ribbon cable (my fault i wasnt enough careful) -MGB
2nd display: vertical lines missing (rage destroyed it, i couldnt know they could be repaired) -DMG
3rd display: HORIZONTAL lines missing (rage destroyed, i tried everything, applying little heat at white connector with hair dryer, nothing changed) -DMG

So, what should i do if i face again a bad display like these 3? It's stupid i succesful backlight 1 LCD out of 4 only because of a glue matter...

Let me know your experience and give me some suggestion, thanks a lot!
Whenever I do them (Ive done many manybacklights)
I use a BRAND NEW (Thats the key) razorblade, I force it under a corner (I do all the layers at once) and slowly shimmy it back and forth until theres enough for me to grab
Then I do it again to the side next to it. Then I slowly (I mean like so crazy slowly, like minutes of slow pulling) pull each side until the two corners become a full side that has lifted off. Then I slowly pull it up while my hand kinda goes towards each side (So im pulling it straight up, then I kinda go towards an untouched corner, then back to normal, then a little to the pther untouched corner).

And this usually does the trick, it theres any glue I take a screwdriver, wrap paper towel over the blade, SOAK in windex and kinda scrape away at the lcd until the paper towel starts to thin at the blade, replace it, and and rub and scrape at the lcd until its clean.

Dont scrape like an idiot where you scratch the screen too.

If any of my DMG's werent already ready for this mod id do a video.
Thanks for the reply, your tips will help me for sure next time :)

By the way, tutorial said about DMG "remove resistor and diode" because they did the mod without power led.

My intention was backlighting + putting a white Led instead of the standard red, so i kept both components (resistor+diode).
When i powered the game boy on, the led did a flash of light then it broke lol.

So: if i want to change led what should i do with those two components? ( I used a normal 3,2 V white led)

Sonyportableizer said:
I dont get what your asking, but add a resistor probably.

I would want to know what ppl exactly do when they want to have a backlight + a white led.

Do they remove the standard resistor, put the backlight resistor (the one included from nonfinite) and solder new led?
Do they keep the standard + put the backlight resistor + put another resistor for the led...?

Hope you get me now, sorry for bad english :)
Get your finger wet with something like rubbing alcohol, and rub like a crazed man. As it heats up, it'll come off easier.
Thanks to both, now i need only to find a new display to test your methods :)

Thats sad no one sells spare lcds..i have to buy everytime the whole gameboy :(