backlight pokcet dim led

so i got the v3 backlight for a pocket and i followed bibins tutorial for the v2 screen so idk if that has something to do with this but when i turn m game boy on, the screen is blank (yes i put the polarizer in i tried both was), and the leds are extremely dim. now i havent tried switching the batteries yet but i dont think that would be causing the screen to be blank. any help?
hey guys so i tried new batteries today and the led was dim bc of the batteries, but im pretty sure i messed up my lcd. the orange cable, behind the screen where your supposed to disconnect from the motherboard by pulling the white tabs. the part of the ribbon that is underneath the screen has slightly come apart and when i mess with it im seeing different things on the screen but mostly just two black lines on each side and clear in the middle.
here are some pics of what im talking about in the second pic im pointing to the cable, and tetris is just awesome :D
If you grab a resistor (I don't know what value; math would be easy for it) you can and should instead pull off the 5V line, which is labeled as VDD. That'll get you a more stable and brighter backlight, especially for the V3.
thanks bibin i have the resistor it came with and the backlight is bright now, i just think i ruined the cable on my lcd the original screen bc when i turn the gameboy on all that happens is the backlight turns on very magnificently i might add, then the sound kicks in, but theres nothing on the screen and i did use the polarized film. i think i screwed this up! did you see the pics i posted? and where is the other line by the way i searrched but cannot find it. btw thank you for your advice