attempting my first mod

hello, am a youngin' attempting my first mod, where i'll attempt to make a portable N64
my main components will be
the n64
a psone screen
and a polaroid portable dvd player (for batteries and things of the sort)
this is my design

I'm just curious if there are any major flaws with this design, or extra things I'll need to make note of when making it

(P.S, how do I acquire a vacuum formed shell?)
βeta said:

That is actually a frisbee.

you have discovered my secret...

funny story, i was trying to think of an original design for my portable, and then i looked at a frisbee on the table, and then this immediately came to mind, 5 minutes in sketch up and i came up with this!
That will not be comfortable at all. It looks neat, it'd just be a pain to hold. I say do it.
I say make it. If it's bulky, uncomfortable, ugly, etc. great! Then you know what to do if you choose to continue. Although I would advise making a mold to make sure you like it.
S5114 said:
I say make it. If it's bulky, uncomfortable, ugly, etc. great! Then you know what to do if you choose to continue. Although I would advise making a mold to make sure you like it.

okay, but how exactly would i make a mold? this is my first time trying anything like this, and i need to know how to acquire a vacuum formed shell or a mold.
3 options, 1.) Commission someone here to do it. We are all ready to help, there are a few people who are experts in making cases and just PM one and I'm sure they'll help. 2.) Clay mold: If you are more experienced in sculpting, you can make a mold using clay and vacuum-form that. Lastly 3.) Make it out of wood if you are more experience with that. I believe you could use dense foam, but I've never heard of anyone who's done that. I would say you could get a pre-made case also, but I think you'd have a hard time finding one like that.
EDIT: You should really look at the case mega sticky.
S5114 said:
3 options, 1.) Commission someone here to do it. We are all ready to help, there are a few people who are experts in making cases and just PM one and I'm sure they'll help. 2.) Clay mold: If you are more experienced in sculpting, you can make a mold using clay and vacuum-form that. Lastly 3.) Make it out of wood if you are more experience with that. I believe you could use dense foam, but I've never heard of anyone who's done that. I would say you could get a pre-made case also, but I think you'd have a hard time finding one like that.
EDIT: You should really look at the case mega sticky.

well, if i commissioned someone else to do it, about how much would the average price be? and would they be making the whole thing, or just the case? and can i go to a place to get a shell vacuum formed? I think i saw a website with one near by.
megapower124 said:
S5114 said:
3 options, 1.) Commission someone here to do it. We are all ready to help, there are a few people who are experts in making cases and just PM one and I'm sure they'll help. 2.) Clay mold: If you are more experienced in sculpting, you can make a mold using clay and vacuum-form that. Lastly 3.) Make it out of wood if you are more experience with that. I believe you could use dense foam, but I've never heard of anyone who's done that. I would say you could get a pre-made case also, but I think you'd have a hard time finding one like that.
EDIT: You should really look at the case mega sticky.

well, if i commissioned someone else to do it, about how much would the average price be? and would they be making the whole thing, or just the case? and can i go to a place to get a shell vacuum formed? I think i saw a website with one near by.
I'm not sure exactly what the average price is, but you could work that out with the person you're buying from. You could probably ask for just the mold, or the whole case, and if you're asking if they'd make the whole portable then no, not unless you ask them to. You should be clear and polite and give exact specifications to the person you're commissioning. Lastly, I don't actually know the answer to a place to get it vacuum formed, but if there's a place near by that says they'd vacuum form it for you, then by all means do what you want.