Assorted problems (analog stick, Z, etc)


(This was my old "Capacitor" post, but I changed it to this)

So I've got my portable for the most part hooked up and stuff. But I've run into a few problems:

My Z button doesn't work, despite being hooked up properly, but R does.

Is there any alternate place to hook up the speakers on the PSOne screen?

My analog stick (here's the big problem) seems to like to move on it's own. Before, it would move up even if there was nothing plugged in. I plugged it in after clearing the space around the board and now whenever I move a direction, it seems to linger in that direction. I can't seem to figure that one out :confused: Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
Re: Capacitor exploded

it needs to be wired the right way, there is a polarity on the cap.
Re: Capacitor exploded

Yeah. I just went and checked. -.-

Thanks a ton, now I know one more thing NOT to do.
Re: Capacitor exploded

Eh, I can't get one with the flash on my phone. I have no idea how to turn it off on this Dang thing, either. But the capacitor looks normal except for a little bit of fuzzy stuff coming out of the top. Nothing fun, unfortunately :confused:
Re: Capacitor exploded

I learned about this in DE class. Capacitors will explode if the polarity is switched. In other words, if you put the ground where the positive should go and the positive where the ground will go, then bam, explosion.

Capacitors store a charge, but I am not 100% sure about the science behind them exploding.
Re: Capacitor exploded

They don't ALWAYS explode.

I applied reverse voltage to a TI card with a cap on the line as prescribed once, and the cap didn't even die. The chip set on fire though, no joke. Oh well. :D
I figured out some more stuff:

Z button does not work in any game.

DK 64 thinks that Z is ALWAYS pressed.

Paper Mario seems to like to move my character to the left but DOES NOT REGISTER A BUTTON AS BEING PRESSED.

I'm so lost. I may just try to find a new case and controller and redo that part. :cry:
Well its just a lesson learned.

I assume you Glued your controls in Already, so Just let me tell you for next time, If you do glue your controls in, just make absolutely sure that they ALL work.

But as Mario has shown us, Screw posts are win.
Hmm. Well I'll undo all the wiring on the controller and redo it all a bit later. Thanks
Nope. And now it doesn't recognize the controller at all. I'm going to either a) completely redo the case or b) completely redo the case but make it a Gamecube.

I just went out and bought 77$ worth of stuff. Screws, screw posts, PCB, everything. I'm going to make sure I never run into a problem that hardware will prevent me from fixing.

Oh, and for people thinking "he probably just screwed it up", I'm not that clumsy ;) I know for the most part what I'm doing, and I haven't (to my knowledge) made any stupid mistakes.