Anyone else having trouble accessing MR?

Twilight Wolf

Frequent Poster
For the past few weeks I've only been able to access MR for a few minutes a day at the most. The rest of the time my browser just gives me errors and tells me it can't access the page. Doesn't matter what browser I use or whether I'm on my desktop or on my phone, I can't get online for more than a few minutes a day.

Help? :C
Apparently HG *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed up the DNS settings we were using for cloudflare or something and Jelly is working on it. At least, that's what Palmer said.
It should work on OpenDNS. If you don't use it, change your DNS server addresses to and
Yeah, I noticed there were some DNS errors. I assumed it was my school's DNS server, since our network has been having some issues this week. I swapped over to Google's DNS servers ( and and it works far more often, but still not errytime.
The work around I've figured on on my mobile devices is opera mini. I haven't had any issues getting on with it. I am having problems with my regular browsers though.
Glad its not just me. My phone will only load the site about 10% of the time (but works perfectly for that session). My laptop loads it almost every time, but sometimes there are threads that don't load unless I click the link again.
OpenDNS works for me. A few days ago it didn't work, but I switched to automatic DNS and back and I was fine.
Yes, when i signed up. it gave me an error

Too many connections

So then i looked through the forum, and saw this, and i can log in now.
Hi by the way
Ganon, that wasn't it. We couldn't access MR at all.

But Palmer, I think it's all fixed now.
That happens when there's a lot of connections to the server. Probably not correlated.
Yeah, it seems to have gone away. Is there anyone who is still having trouble?