Anyone else have a plan for if they die?


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
I have not put any kind of legal footwork in, but if I don't log in to my email account for 120 days, messages containing a variety of passwords will be sent to several people that I deem trustworthy, with a message that I have most likely passed away. Along with these are a variety of instructions to take in terms of updating my online profiles to reflect my death, and how to distribute my possessions, both financial and physical.

I am too young to have an estate/assets worth protecting with a real will and stuff, but I would not want my death to be the end of my various projects.
Personally, I haven't, but it seems like an interesting and worthwhile idea.

I always just thought that all my stuff would go to my brother, and I never deemed my online accounts too important to be maintained after my death.
Not planned for after my death, but know how I want to die. Mauled to death by either dolphins or pandas. Sick and tired of everyone liking them so much and wasting money conserving them.
I have two little sisters and a step daughter that will take turn's picking what they want, they get everything, except any homemade porn. that will be the only thing any of my ex-wife, ex-girlfriend's, future girlfriend's, future ex-wife's, and/or the widow will get to remember me by.
I've never really thought about it, but I really like your plan, Palmer.

I've conversed on the subject with my friend and we agreed to tell the online world if one of us would happen to croak. But hopefully robotics and prosthetics can permit my positively brilliant mind to live on after my body disintegrates into dust.

I'm thinking metallic black with gold and red trim for my robot body, but I might change my mind.