Anniversary Modretro Podcast - NOW ON ITUNES


Well-Known Member
We're now on iTunes, check it out here! ... d441000799
You can also search for us on your ipod or in itunes. Just search podcasts for "Modretro"

Also, we're now hosted on Modretro

So yeah, the fourth modretro podcast is done. We had special guest PalmerTech tell us about the updates and the current status of the store. Also, a very brief appearance by a girl, which is something I thought our podcast would never have in a thousand years.

Download it here -

The RSS feed is here, if you're too hip and cool for iTunes.
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

who doesn't love the modestro podcat?
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

I just listened all the way through, do I win anything?
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

lol i thought you would have sounded like a kid, Kylechu lol
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

bentomo said:
I just listened all the way through, do I win anything?
Did it too! :mrgreen:
Cool you guys called my name and great you like the intro / logo so much! :awesome:
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

Lol, I've been using MR on Tapatalk for quite awhile now. Didn't know it was a secret.
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

Upset that I missed this, I want to participate in the next one.
Re: Anniversary Modretro Podcast - Also, RSS feed and iTunes

Listened to it all the way through before it came out. :P

"you put a woman near a man and something horrible is bound to happen"

and many many MANY other things that I won't quote for certain reasons :P