Ampy's Emporium for Gentlemanly Stenciling


Lightbulbs are awesome!
Yeah. Give me pictures/ideas to stencilize, and I'll do it. Just want some practice, is all, as I get back into it.

Here's what I did this afternoon:



Comments and criticism welcome! :awesome:

*Can'tSayThisOnTV*. I'll give it another try tomorrow, for some reason GIMP or Linux or something froze up and crashed. I don't know if it will turn out well either way, I tried to get something good looking, but with a dark background and bright frontal lighting (from the flash) it didn't look very natural.
lol cute. And it looks like it would do well as a stencil. As soon as I get my lappy back, I'll do it.
Mario said:
Make a stencil of Toothless. :awesome:

OH MY GOD YES. BEST MOVIE EVER. Ampy, if you do that, ship me a copy! Which reminds me, I gotta ship that yu-gi-oh gaem
I know that's from a movie (I watched it, it was good), but it looks like an nVidia promotional render for some reason.