Adobe Flash is finally getting GPU acceleration!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Thank god, finally. Prepare for October 5th!

If you know what it means, you already care a lot. If you do not know, then essentially: This will allow even low end computer hardware to start decoding HD Flash video. No more dying whenever you try full screen flash on older computers. Also, Flash Games MIGHT actually start to sorta make sense.

Oh, and this is nvidia only for now. Suck it, ATI! :awesome:
Linky: ... next-month
This is great news!
Up until now, the extent of Flash's hardware acceleration didn't include your GPU!
My Quad-Core has REALLY been struggling with those 480p Videos on Hulu!
I'll be able to watch my 1000Kb/s 1080p videos now! NEAT-O!

For those not catching the joke here, let's establish something.
HD video is strictly dictated by it's resolution. Currently, the "Full HD" standard is 1080p.
That is, the video has a resolution of 1920x1080, 1920 pixels wide, and 1080 pixels high.
This allows for more data to be presented in each frame of video.
This extra data we're allowed is put to the use of higher detail.
That's the whole point of HD, more DETAIL.
So, what's the point of my little joke?
Just because something is a high resolution, doesn't mean it's high quality.
1000Kb/s is just about the standard rate for your average DVD.
Well what does that mean?
DVD Quality! A film, whether it's in 720p, 1080p, or even beyond that, won't look any better than a DVD-Quality video if it's encoded at around 1000Kb/s.
You see, with a high-res video, even HD, just because they allow for more data DOESN'T mean they take advantage of it!
HD doesn't equal quality, it simply dictates the maximum possible level of detail, the maximum possible level of quality, in a sense.
PalmerTech said:
Thank god, finally. Prepare for October 5th!

If you know what it means, you already care a lot. If you do not know, then essentially: This will allow even low end computer hardware to start decoding HD Flash video. No more dying whenever you try full screen flash on older computers. Also, Flash Games MIGHT actually start to sorta make sense.

Chances are if you have a gutless low-end computer the GPU is crap too.

Also, about the GPU thing, I don't really have any preference for nVidia vs ATI. I do have a strong hateful attitude towards Intel GMA though.