about gc batteries


Well-Known Member
sorry to spam the forum w/ dumb questions but i just needed to ask, when you want to wire a gc to a battery, you just need to wire it to a 12-14V battery plain and simple? or do you need some kind of modification ?
what about the screen (psone screen) is it going to be fine with that? thanks anyway
and, can you telle me if 3 li po batteries are gonna be enough?
No, you need to step down the voltage to 7.4v for the screen with a voltage regulator. You can either use a 7808 or a PTH08000.
i just recieve my pth8000, but what do i do with it? i beleive there is smthg about a 100µF capacitor isn't there? thank you for helping
You need to have a 100mf capacitor on the correct pins first, then use a resistor to adjust the voltage. I don't have a diagram on me and I can't look up the data sheet right now as I'm not on my computer.
bentomo said:
You need to have a 100mf capacitor on the correct pins first, then use a resistor to adjust the voltage. I don't have a diagram on me and I can't look up the data sheet right now as I'm not on my computer.
mf or uf?(although the same thing, it could get confusing for lyberty5)
Sorry, 100uF capacitor, usually I spell that one out because I keep forgetting the code for the micro symbol.

So 100 micro farads.
i ripped one off an old tv lying in the street, but it has 100µF and 35 V written on it, i'm guessing it won't do flax on my pth8000
lyberty5 said:
i ripped one off an old tv lying in the street, but it has 100µF and 35 V written on it, i'm guessing it won't do flax on my pth8000
It means that it can have up to 35v going through it.