A very very yoshi reveiw.

Yoshilime M.R.

Master of Limes
so i need a opion on my next reveiw:

i will review some random nes game i own, maybe north n south or bubble bobble. but that is not the point.
the point is, it will be like a picture-story. A lot of it will be of "someone" playing the game. who is this someone? wellllllll.....

my 1 and a 1/2 foot yoshi plush. yes, he will hold the controller. he will have hilarious dialogue, and he also command a army of 6 inch yoshi pushes, who take control of P2 ans help set up the nes.

So, opions? thoughts? you have a yoshi plush? should i add a lime? or watermark my images?

I think you should try to use all the different colored Yoshis, and have the green one playing the NES. :awesome: How will you hold the plushes in place for the pics, though?
That would be really cool. I want to see how it turns out. If it's good, make it a series! Remember it should still be at least somewhat informative...