$50 Range Graphics Cards

I'm having trouble finding a cheap 5770, so I might just go with that one, t1m1d.
At the risk of being devil's advocate, depending on what the PC is and what it is going to be used for, a cheap videocard *might* be worth it.
I think its got some kind of 256mb Radeon HD 3000 series integrated graphics paired with an Athlon 2 x4 and 6gb DDR3. It's the most unbalanced CPU to graphics I've seen. I'd like to be able to play BF3 on at least medium.
Yeah, a 550 ti would be much much much better performance. 460 hawks can be pretty good, but newegg doesn't have any now, and the cheapest I can find is $100 used. But if you are in the $50-$100 range, this 550 Ti is probably your best bet, for $90 after rebate.

Edit: And you get free goodies: a subscription to a free magazine, and a copy of the awful DNF haha
Bush said:
It's not. Might as well use integrated at that level of performance.

I'm referring mostly to upgrading old crap. Even a $20 Radeon HD 5470 will beat GMA X4500 or Radeon 3200.

A $50 videocard similarly beats Intel HD 4000. With Trinity, it's more complex because of Hybrid CrossfireX but a simple replacement is pointless. I saw an HP (might have been an Acer) in a flyer- AMD A10-5700 with GT 620. I'm pretty sure it would be faster if you just pulled the graphics card entirely.

Even a cheap videocard can vastly improve the performance of a PC.

Of course, I would never stick anything less than a GTX 460 in my main gaming box (currently running a GTX 560 Ti).

FAKE EDIT: With that rig, yeah, about a hundred dollar videocard sounds about right.
XCVG said:
Of course, I would never stick anything less than a GTX 460 in my main gaming box (currently running a GTX 560 Ti).

That's what I'm getting for mine. 2gb version.