3DS just launched in Japan

Oh man, I completely forgot it was coming out in Japan today. Guess I'm off to see what's being said about it.
That's still pretty embarrassing. Nintendo is extremely anti-modding, yet their consoles are always incredibly easy to hack.
Nintendo didn't exactly DO ANYTHING to make the 3DS not use DS Flashcarts.
Honestly, it'd be an easy thing to prevent.
But they're moving on and focusing on the 3DS itself.
And trust me, it's not going to come easy.

The DS was a Heck of an accomplishment.
Yes, nowadays you can buy a generic flashcart for $2.
But the way things started out, the fact that we can sign our own homebrew GOD Dang, a lot of effort was behind it all.

We still haven't been able to accomplish near that with the DSi.
The 3DS? It's a long, LONG ways off.
XCVG said:
That's still pretty embarrassing.

Not really. There really wasn't much motivation to do anything on Nintendo's part, as original DS carts are pretty much cracked wide open. That's why there's no real "hack" applied to the 3DS itself, and its just a firmware update for the card, likely just spoofing the header to a game in Nintendo's pre-approved white list. Same thing happened with the DSi (and actually afaik, DSi-only software has yet to be fully cracked, but there probably isn't much motivation to do so anyway). But yes, considering how popular the 3DS has proven to be thus far, it's really only a matter of time.

EDIT: Jelly beat me to it.
regardless, theres no way im spending 250 on it

ill just have to wait till they make a 3ds lite xl, and then buy the original 3ds used somewere for like 20 :p
04tm34l3 said:
and then buy the original 3ds used somewere for like 20 :p

Umm... good luck with that, lawl. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be able to get a 3DS for that price in 10 years or so. :p

While we're on the topic, I don't quite understand why people who would otherwise buy a 3DS at launch are willing to wait 2-3 years for a redesign. I mean, the release of a redesign wouldn't remove any features from the system you bought years earlier, and the 3DS is already around the size of a DS Lite, it ain't gonna get much smaller. At least waiting for a price drop is more understandable. (not including trying to get it for $20 of course :p)
Zero said:
04tm34l3 said:
and then buy the original 3ds used somewere for like 20 :p

Umm... good luck with that, lawl. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be able to get a 3DS for that price in 10 years or so. :p

While we're on the topic, I don't quite understand why people who would otherwise buy a 3DS at launch are willing to wait 2-3 years for a redesign. I mean, the release of a redesign wouldn't remove any features from the system you bought years earlier, and the 3DS is already around the size of a DS Lite, it ain't gonna get much smaller. At least waiting for a price drop is more understandable. (not including trying to get it for $20 of course :p)

Battery life could improve or we don't find it's worth it atm with the game selection. I'd rather wait to buy it with good games than buy it and sit around with it until games I actually want to play come out.
I'd buy it because I currently lack a DS and have an urge to play HG:SS again. Plus it's got some pretty amazing features and tech, and I can't say I want to build another n64p for OoT again.

Eh... if I were to blow that much money on a single video game purchase I'd rather buy a used Xbox 360 and some games or something. As cool as the 3DS looks, there's just not nearly enough there for me to justify such a high price...
Twilight Wolf said:
Eh... if I were to blow that much money on a single video game purchase I'd rather buy a used Xbox 360 and some games or something. As cool as the 3DS looks, there's just not nearly enough there for me to justify such a high price...

I remember when having two screens on a device was enough to make me wait in line at 6 in the morning and spend ~$200.
Zero said:
04tm34l3 said:
and then buy the original 3ds used somewere for like 20 :p

Umm... good luck with that, lawl. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be able to get a 3DS for that price in 10 years or so. :p

While we're on the topic, I don't quite understand why people who would otherwise buy a 3DS at launch are willing to wait 2-3 years for a redesign. I mean, the release of a redesign wouldn't remove any features from the system you bought years earlier, and the 3DS is already around the size of a DS Lite, it ain't gonna get much smaller. At least waiting for a price drop is more understandable. (not including trying to get it for $20 of course :p)

*frustratingly trys to construct sentence lacking frase 'im just sayin', to avoid snappy dbz reply*

What im trying to say is, if nintendo keeps updating the 3ds hardware, you'll probably be able to get a 3ds for the price of what an original ds is now in 4-5 years.
ToastBucket said:
Twilight Wolf said:
Eh... if I were to blow that much money on a single video game purchase I'd rather buy a used Xbox 360 and some games or something. As cool as the 3DS looks, there's just not nearly enough there for me to justify such a high price...

I remember when having two screens on a device was enough to make me wait in line at 6 in the morning and spend ~$200.

NDS launch over here cost me $158.93.

I will never forget that number.

It really isn't that much at all. The price is something I might have complained about a few years back, but eventually you realize $250 is child's play in the real world. Heck, the PSP was $250 when it came out, and I still bought that on launch day, back during middle school (with my own money at that). Besides, if people are complaining now, just think about when the NGP's price is revealed. The economy has changed and technology has changed, that's just how it is.

04tm34l3 said:
What im trying to say is, if nintendo keeps updating the 3ds hardware, you'll probably be able to get a 3ds for the price of what an original ds is now in 4-5 years.
Yea, considering that by then we'd be close to seeing the 3DS's successor, I'd much rather enjoy it now than force myself to wait 4-5 years just to save around a hundred-something dollars or so.
$250 might be nothing to some, but for a poor high school kid like me with no reliable source of income, that's a LOT of money.
ShockSlayer said:
Most of us don't have income.

Most of us sell our other cool flax that we somehow obtained.

Yep, and that's how I was able to afford said PSP. :p

My point is, its not just the 3DS. The industry as a whole is going to be charging more for most everything. 3DS and NGP games are likely to be more expensive than we're used to, and when the next console generation starts (hopefully not for a few more years), things won't be getting any better.

If someone really can't wait to have a 3DS at launch, they'll find a way to make the money. If not, they'll just wait a bit, and that's fine too, but $250 isn't some sort of impossible goal or outrageous price.
Zero said:
If someone really can't wait to have a 3DS at launch, they'll find a way to make the money. If not, they'll just wait a bit, and that's fine too, but $250 isn't some sort of impossible goal or outrageous price.

yeah, i mean if you have your heart set on having a 3ds, it is a plausable price. its just not 250$ of importance to me to have to have it now, rather than in 5 years from now. its money more well spend on a virus b :p