3DS Friendcodes!


SS's Preferred Refreshment
Anyone who has a friend code needs to post it here!

Also, list your games.

Mine's: 2062 -9146 - 7100

I have SSFIV
Name: Zero

Code: 1848-1669-1357

- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
- Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

Likely getting Super Street Figher IV soon like I planned on originally, but didn't get it at midnight because Wal-Mart didn't get any for some reason. Enjoying Shadow Wars at the moment though. Got it.
0087 - 2306 - 1948
Super Street Fighter 4

Sold my 3DS to Vskid3 awhile back.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it doesn't ask for a name. Your displayed name to your friends is the name of your "personal" Mii. Just edit it to change your name accordingly. Not sure if this will change in the future.
Almost forgot to mention, I finally got Super Street Fighter IV from the Gamestop at my university. :awesome:
Added everyone on here :D We should organize some Street Fighter tomorrow night. If only it was a bit easier to chat through the 3DS itself.
Added everyone here :awesome:

Add me!
2535 - 3616 - 9055

Lego Star Wars
Pilotwings Resort

The next game I'm getting is Dead or Alive: Dimensions and the ones after that are:
Paper Mario
Animal Crossing
Star Fox
Mario Kart
Zelda OoT

All I know of so far :tophat: