3DGames Console dream ...



it's me Ziauddin M.K. , 1989 ,

* Mechatronics engineering student 4th year
* 3D games developer 5 years of experience , two commercial games <PC games>
* 3D graphics designer/animator 8 years of experience
* Web designer 3 years of experience

I have been dreaming since I was a child to do a 3d gaming console
I don't know if this dream will come true or not, but I'm in the middle of continuous research about this.

here is a sample of my artwork , that arduino is a real image... but the rest is some 3d art/fan art.

anyways, i have been thinking why not to make a gaming console that runs our own games
i work with an open source 3d engine [Blender], what do you think ?

i have established a simple forum for this matter


so tell me if you are interested about this ...
what do you think?

Looks great, man! Hope it works out for you, I'm going to college for software engineering and hope to make games, too.
And just wondering, are you from Egypt?
hidiosoman said:
Looks great, man! Hope it works out for you, I'm going to college for software engineering and hope to make games, too.
And just wondering, are you from Egypt?
Seeing how there's no internet in Egypt right now, I highly doubt it.
hidiosoman said:
And just wondering, are you from Egypt?
Click video, click uploader's name, check youtube profile, find "Jordan" as the location.

Yes, I am a sick person.
yeah :) , thanks all, so who might be interested in something like this ?
someone on IRC said that making a new gaming console is a finical suicide.
Is your goal to make money? If so, then yes, it would be suicide.

If you want to write games for a platform, there are already lots of capable and easy to code for ones, like the BeagleBoard or OpenPandora.