
  1. gcr27

    Cart fury champioship racing ps2 mif file

    Hi guys, do you know the game Cart Fury for PS2? I wanted to extract the mif files from this very old game from Midway. Is there a tool to open these files? I'm not good at reverse engineering. I need help. This is my first time working with these files. I'm capable, but I'm afraid of making...
  2. CyrodiilWarrior

    PS2 Expansion Bay Network Adapter w/ Sata & LAN ?

    Hello Modretro community, Ultra rare. Some people have a PlayStation 2 expansion bay network adaptor which has both SATA connection and LAN ethernet connection. I assume they do some D.I.Y themselves, but this is way too advanced for me. I've tried Google searching for one without any luck...
  3. A

    SNESticle compatibility list. PS2 2024

    Hello. Long time reader, first time writer. Cliché I know. This is a fantastic emulator and I wanted to give something back, so this is an updated game compatibility list as of 6th of December 2024. My testbench: Playstation 2 FAT, Blue/Aqua,SCPH-50004. Running SNESticlePS2 v0.3.4. All roms are...
  4. DarkWing

    PS2 SMB with a Raspberry Pi or how to load games at near full speed

    While playing with this setup I was taking some notes an though compiling this into a step by step guide would benefit the community more than sitting on my laptop so after a bit of effort there it is. This guide will help you setting up a Raspberry Pi to stream games to a PS2. The point of...
  5. M

    Ps2 Portable (as minimal as possible)

    Hi! I've been reading for a few weeks about ps2 portable projects (with quite good results) and I've decided to try to make one just like I'd like to be (dimensions, specs... etc). I found this forum looking for somewhere to learn a bit about ps2 motherboard and "how to" tutorials, but I've got...