Recent content by THEblu

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    If you go on the site they list official distributors for it,and what countries too! hope i helped :)
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    Lurker needs help from awesome community!

    Before i go crazy on the internet a buddy of mine said he knew some dude that worked in a pawnshop,so tommoro were gonna go 2nd hand portable dvd player hunting to see if we can get some good deals.If it works out right maybe i can get some rechargeable batteries for this portable :tophat: I...
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    Lurker needs help from awesome community!

    Sorry i been busy guys! finally took the gamecube apart (yeah im going GC instead of SNES) So was wondering if this screen > ... dition=new and this case > ... MgodHCMAbg would be suffcient for starters,if so ill get...
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    Lurker needs help from awesome community!

    Ive seen quite a few of these car backup moniters would the fact that used DC instead of AC be a problem? also just to clarify i want to be able to power via batteries or the original power cable. :awesome:
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    Lurker needs help from awesome community!

    Would use SNES the most so i guess ill start where the crap do i find a screen for it? :shock: been looking around and the Ps one screens usually go for alot...and i cant find any Lcds that aren't for phones or 12v and dc powered >.< P.S I'm on a budget!! -edit- due to the fact that...
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    Lurker needs help from awesome community!

    Hello all~ I've been lurking around on here for a little while now and decided i should just register and talk to everyone. I came here with the intent of learning how to turn my old GC into a handheld. After reading some of the threads it seems that people like myself (those who have no...