Recent content by t1m1d

  1. t1m1d

    [Worklog] wiitendo switch

    Nice, I like the idea but I feel like the dock will have to be pretty big.
  2. t1m1d

    GBA or GBC Flash Cart

    I think I may have a spare EMS cart around here... They work with GB & GBC I believe. I'll have to look for it though.
  3. t1m1d

    Cube64 Pro: SD Loading Madness

    Awesome! Have you progressed on your case plans yet?
  4. t1m1d

    Cube64 Pro: SD Loading Madness

  5. t1m1d

    My first portable! ZN64?

    Thanks! I did that with all my TI parts. But I actually ordered one and just got it today.
  6. t1m1d

    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

    I almost did the same thing. Great movie but I wished more of the story would have been covered
  7. t1m1d

    How can you tell if a N64 is fried?

    And unhealthy... But I do suppose most game consoles aren't party of a healthy diet, fried or not. I've never had this issue myself, but check carefully for shorts if you haven't already. I don't believe a cart slot short would usually fry the console, but it also wouldn't play games until...
  8. t1m1d

    My first portable! ZN64?

    I'll consider that, thanks! I'm just concerned whether or not the cart that's not in use would be damaged at all by the output of the other cart.. Anyway, can anyone link me to a good DPDT switch (preferably slide and available at radioshack) that I could use for the charge & play/power? I had...
  9. t1m1d

    My first portable! ZN64?

    I'll put pics up soon for sure. Not too much progress though as I've been swamped with schoolwork. But I do have the screen and amp and batteries and such. Does anyone know of a way to have an internal switchable cartridge? I'm probably going to incorporate a 64drive into this, but would like...
  10. t1m1d

    WTS 64drive portable edition

    Thanks! I didn't realize that's all I'd have to do. I was aware of the through-hole mounting, I've just never used a cart like this for n64 and wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting before I made my purchase I'll take one in a week or two unless something goes awry with my financial...
  11. t1m1d

    WTS 64drive portable edition

    Can anyone please explain what I would have to do to this, if anything, to have a functional 64drive? I don't mean to sound annoying but I'm 95% decided & would like to know before I have Marshallh put me down.
  12. t1m1d

    Voltage Regulator HELP! FIRST TIMER HERE!

    They will work fine as long as you're using a 7.4v li-po setup.
  13. t1m1d

    WTS 64drive portable edition

    What exactly would I need to do to use this in a portable? Aside from wiring it directly to the cartridge slot? Totally considering
  14. t1m1d

    WTS 64drive portable edition

    Yeah. And are there only two? Do I need a CIC or anything else to make it functional?
  15. t1m1d

    WTS 64drive portable edition

    I'm definitely interested in one, I'm just semi-broke and don't have any use for one ATM. I'll get back to you sometime this month if there are any left.