Recent content by Panserbjorn

  1. P

    Wii/N64 console design questions

    Oh ok gotcha. Thanks man, I'll definitely post an update once I get the thing going.
  2. P

    Wii/N64 console design questions

    I don't think you're understanding. I'm planning to stuff both an N64 and a Wii motherboard into the same case while preserving all controller inputs from both consoles (4xN64 and 4xGameCube), the cartridge slot, disc drive, power buttons for both consoles, N64 reset, Wii eject, Wii controller...
  3. P

    Wii/N64 console design questions

    Hi guys, this is my first post here. I've got some experience soldiering small components and a little bit of modding (installed an RGH mod on my Xbox 360), but I've recently been exposed to the whole console hacking scene by stumbling across Ben Heck's videos. The first project I'm looking to...