Recent content by NNSS

  1. NNSS

    Im here still too

    Im here still too
  2. NNSS

    i was here

    i was here
  3. NNSS

    GameCube strange audio

    theyre 7.4v
  4. NNSS

    GameCube strange audio

    Thanks. So, instead of doing this (viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2187) sound fixe, should i just directly wire my battery to that area?
  5. NNSS

    Are megadrives permenantly out of production?

    Title says all
  6. NNSS

    Ibook G4 Battery for GCP

    I thought that having a battery indicator would be a good benefit. Also, I thought that the charger that comes with the iBook g4 would help be charge faster; my current 7.4v 5000mAH batteryspace charges extremely slowly.
  7. NNSS

    Ibook G4 Battery for GCP ... SwYGFU0GZr its 10.3 V, 4400mAH. I believe i can take apart the casing and use the batteries inside. I think that they already have a protection circuit, and also comes with an indicator LED, so it'd be perfect for a gamecube portable. So, does anyone...
  8. NNSS

    Resistors for custom Regulator

    These are cool and all but just for future proofing it might be better to host the pics on imgur cuz these other sites someway or another get pics removed frequently. Like I go to oldish threads and half the pics are unavailable.
  9. NNSS

    Is there a franken-casing guide out there

    Approximately how many mm will the gap have to be to require abs over loctite? If I had two pieces of plastic wedged together but had some 0.1-1mm holes every now and then would I be fine?
  10. NNSS

    Is there a franken-casing guide out there

    oh i didnt see the casing mega sticky, sorry. By the way, will that loctite method work as well as abs cement?
  11. NNSS

    Is there a franken-casing guide out there

    I want to chop up a wii-U gamepad case and put parts of a gamecube controller, and different holes etc, but I don't know how to do it and what tools I'll need. For example, what is used for sticking the plastic together, what dremel drill bit is best for cutting thing plastic precisely, how long...
  12. NNSS

    GameCube strange audio

    Hey guys, I have a question about my gamecube's audio. I'm running the audio off of the composite output, and using a PAM8403 Double Track Power Amplifier to get stereo sound. However, regardless of what volume I set the sound to, and whether or not I put resistors on the + audio lines for the...
  13. NNSS

    Megadrive V5

    I am willing to overpay a bit for a Megadrive v5. Pm me if you are willing to sell, and what price you want to sell at. Thanks. Offer stands until Megadrive V5 is no longer out of stock here:
  14. NNSS

    Downing's SG-N64p Featuring The Legend of Zelda: OOT

    that site seems a bit overpriced actually. here's a better audio amp (has volume control), ~2 bucks. this one's cheaper but has no volume ctrl. it's small...
  15. NNSS

    GameCube audio amp

    holy flax THANKS :D