Recent content by Nintendofreak

  1. N

    WTB: GBA Flash Cart

    I guess I was just a little too late; when I bought my first DS flash card, GBA flash carts were everywhere! I was like Pffft... GBA old technology, but now I'm struggling against the clock between my GBA game's batteries and how long GBA flash carts will be availiable. So if anyone has a GBA...
  2. N

    WTB: Red Ring of Death Xbox 360's, Any Broken XBox 360's

    You name a price and give me the specs, model, accessories (power plus video cables would be nice), shipping?. I'll get back to you
  3. N

    The Dragon Boy

    Just for scratch protection. Don't want bad feedback do we? :wink:
  4. N

    The Dragon Boy

    After a little consideration and a quick stop at Nonfinite electronics. I have refinished the Dragon boy of old. Now with a red back light and 8th inch jack, it features prosound for LSDJ. Here it is for sale here: ... 335e7375b8
  5. N

    Nintendo 3DS details(pricing, release, etc, bunches o' pics)

    Well I thought it would be cool to video chat from a DS, not a lot of phones support it either anyway. It is mainly a computer program
  6. N

    Nintendo 3DS details(pricing, release, etc, bunches o' pics)

    Hey chill out, It was just an idea...
  7. N

    Nintendo 3DS details(pricing, release, etc, bunches o' pics)

    Yea, but it has cameras, Wi-Fi, and a microphone. All I'm saying is, It'd be nice to have skype for it.
  8. N

    Nintendo 3DS details(pricing, release, etc, bunches o' pics)

    If they don't give the DS Skype capability this time, I'm going to get mad.
  9. N

    Nintendo 3DS details(pricing, release, etc, bunches o' pics)

    I was kinda mad that they unveiled it 1 week before the DSi XL, It made me feel bad to buy the XL. Are these confirmed North American release dates? Ima trade in the XL for it!
  10. N

    Need some simple Screen Guidance

    Does any hand held portable TV work also? If so, do they all have the 16:9 to 4:3 switch. Most LCD's now are 16:9, but I would like a Portable screen with the 4:3 switch like mario.
  11. N

    Need some simple Screen Guidance

    So there are 7" screens that switch to 4:3 from 16:9? If so, I'd like to see a few. Maybe the one Mario used in his Sprocket 64?
  12. N

    Need some simple Screen Guidance

    I really want to start/make a portable this summer as my own little summer project. The main thing I'm having trouble with is understanding the screen choice. The thing that kinda bothers me is buying a screen without good documentation... Here's a screen I've been looking at...
  13. N

    Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

    I got 4 routers at a GoodWill store for 20$ One is a wireless-N router with 5ghz speed: retail price 90-110$ <- Totally using this one Two are regular Linksys routers, one wireless-B, other is direct cable connection. And the last one is a random Belkin pure wireless router which I really don't...
  14. N

    N64 case question

    I am new to this, but I want to make a portable N64 for something to do this summer. Taking a lot of old posts, I have figured out a lot except about the case, (wiring comes later). How big in size should a first N64 portable case be? How much depth, height and width, etc?
  15. N

    PS1 Screen vs. PS2 Screen

    Well yeah, I know that about the PS1 screen, I was just making sure this was the same thing if I were to get the it. That way I'd have that documentation