Recent content by NeoXerO

  1. N

    Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

    Wow, this a very nice and polished portable. Nice job man, I think it looks awesome.
  2. N

    No left audio?

    Does anyone know where I can pull left audio from on an SNES mini? For some reason I can only pull right audio from the audio chip, and even that signal is slightly distorted. I also tried pulling left/mono from the original AV pin, that didn't work either. I noticed this when I first opened my...
  3. N

    Multi Directional Tact Switches

    What's a good place to get good multi direction tacts? I've tried searching but idk which tact switch to get; a lot of sites also make you buy in bulk.
  4. N

    SNES Cart slot

    Does anyone have a spare cart slot? I've looked online and all I could find is this: ... SSID=7445a However, I'm not sure if I could solder to the pins on this slot, as it's the "plug in" type of cart slot that came with the older models of the SNES...
  5. N

    FS - Consoles mostly; some as-is

    Re: FS: NOACs, SNOACs, GOAC, PS2, GCN How much for an SNOAC?
  6. N

    Snes Mini Mobo trimming?

    So after so much desoldering, when I pulled the connecter off, a couple of pins broke in the process :( Does anyone know where I can get another snes cartridge slot or should I just buy any old SNES and salvage the cart slot from there? EDIT: would something like this work...
  7. N

    Snes Mini Mobo trimming?

    Thanks for the info. I've managed to trim it enough to get it to fit in the case, and thankfully it still works. Would anyone know a safe way to remove the cartridge slot from the snes so that I could relocate it? I'm planning on just desoldering each pin and pulling it off but is there a...
  8. N

    Snes Mini Mobo trimming?

    Hey everyone! So I got my hands on a gba carrying case, and I wanted to use it to make a portable SNES. The mobo almost fits in the case, but I'd need to trim the corners. Does anybody know if this would be possible without ruining the console? Picture for reference: I know I'd be able to...
  9. N

    4.3" Screens

    Alright great! I'm assuming it takes around 8v, like the psone screen or any other 4.3" screen? Thanks for the help
  10. N

    4.3" Screens

    Hey everyone! So I was looking at buying a 4.3" screen (the car reverse ones) off of ebay, but there seems to be a lot of different ones to choose from. Would anyone recommend a specific screen or are they all the same in terms of image quality? Thanks in advance.
  11. N

    RGB modding N64

    Okay, So I just wanted to clear this up. Which N64 mobo can I RGB mod? Is it only the Rev 3 board or can I also do it on a rev 2 or rev 4 board? I've heard differing things. Some people said you need a signal amplifier for the RGB, others have done it without the use of an amp. Has anyone here...
  12. N

    Emulation/SD Gecko

    Oh, the reason I want both is because I want to be able to use actual CDs. I wouldn't be aiming to make a small portable, just a medium sized one with as much functionality as possible. Ok, so if I use an SD gecko would i have to mod the gamecube with a chip? Also, could I run backups off of...
  13. N

    Emulation/SD Gecko

    Hey everyone! I'm nearing the completion of my first n64p, which also happens to be the first time I've ever soldered anything in my life and the first time I've ever picked up a dremel, so as you can imagine it's not gonna be the prettiest thing in the world. Anyway, I wanted to do either an...