Recent content by jessemfp

  1. J

    need help building GCp

    yeah i figured it out im actually almost done i just need to buy my screen and all that. anyone have any tips on cases its really really slim
  2. J


    just wanted a regular SNES so i can portabalize it cheapest price is what im looking for
  3. J

    need help building GCp

    hello i am somewhat new at this (not going to explain the SOMEWHAT part) but i have never actually BUILt a portable and i know some people are gunna be like woah dude you never built a portable you should try something easier than a gamecube well guess what some people arent so good with money...
  4. J

    WTB any screen but as cheap as possible

    please i need any screen i was looking on amazon and ebay but i figured i could prolly find one cheaper on here so please, help me out
  5. J

    WTB hip gear screen as cheap as possible

    no not specifically i can prolly do 20 dollars within the next few weeks
  6. J

    WTB hip gear screen as cheap as possible

    please i need a cheap hipgear screen for my upcoming project ive looked online and then i thought wait im sure i could find it cheaper on the forum so please, help me out with a screen