Recent content by HillbillyScientist

  1. H

    What am I doing wrong?? (GBC overclock)

    I answered on my guide post. Another thing the on board crystal can be difficult to get a good solder joint with good connection.
  2. H

    How to overclock your GBC. A COMPLETE NOOB GUIDE!!!

    To start, you used a different type of switch I believe. Just a regular on-off switch. So the middle connection should be unused in this case. You could try switching the wire going from the on board crystal to the last connection on the switch. And as far as speeds go a 16 mghz crystal would be...
  3. H

    How to overclock your GBC. A COMPLETE NOOB GUIDE!!!

    To start off, I'm aware this has been covered, and everyone has done it. A project like this would normally go in the afternoon projects thread. However, I remember a time when I was so inexperienced it took large amounts of time to do a single solder joint and months worth planing to do a...
  4. H


    I need a couple of the first modle gba sp's or preferably just the frontlights. To trade I have two gba sp mobo's, almost any parts to a gb color, or I could pay around 10$ a piece. Please message me I'm in dire need of finishing this project.
  5. H

    GBC Front Light Voltage?

    That looks good. Thanks!
  6. H

    AV Out from a GBA SP?

    Yeah. Those let you use the SP as a monitor.
  7. H

    Looking for someone to repair a SNES controller

    If no one else gets back to you pm me your problem, and I'll let you know if I can help you out.
  8. H

    CX1100M Amp C1 Capacitor value?

    I recently got a Bose CX1100M amp for free because it wasn't working. After examining the board the only thing I could find wrong was aa ceramic capacitor marked as C1 was fried. So fried in fact, that when I tried to examinine it to find a value it crumbled away. A link to a schematic would be...
  9. H

    Gba sp volume slider mod

    To use buttons you would have to make a completely new circuit using IC's, or trabsistors to control the volume digitally ( I think). So I can't help you here just thought I would let you know its not for the inexperienced, and you probably wouldn't be able to keep it confined to the case. Hope...
  10. H

    AV Out from a GBA SP?

    I know its been done with a regular GBA, but I can't find anything on the SP. I'm not interested in emulators or a GB player. I want to pull this off because I've got a couple of GBA SP boards lieing around collecting dust. Helps appreciated.
  11. H

    GBC Front Light Voltage?

    Alright, thanks.
  12. H

    GBC Front Light Voltage?

    So, I've been playing with modding some old Gameboy Colors for resale, and I've SP front light up and running agian ( I accidently cut the ribbon cable so I had to solder directly to the tiny resistor and led). My question is, Is the 47 ohm resistor even needed. Because, I tested the front light...