Recent content by elusive-umbreon

  1. E

    Voltage regulator setup + fuse

    is it just that pin or have I killed the whole board, if its just that pin can I connect a wire from where the thick red wire is connection (or via the wire itself) to the input of the voltage regulator. is there possibly somewhere else I can possibly get 12V from (Anything above 8V works but...
  2. E

    Voltage regulator setup + fuse

    my main problem is since I blew the PSOne fuse the voltage regulator wont out put anywhere near 8v (its outputting 1.12V) any more (even though its getting ground this time). What's even more worrying is the power regulator board doesn't even output 12 V from pin 21 any more either (we're...
  3. E

    Motherboard layers

    That sounds good, I new to hard modding (as I said my gamecube portable is my first project) but I'll bare that tip in mind, thanks.
  4. E

    Motherboard layers

    unless I've misunderstood its not just 2 layers I believe there is 4 layers. it does show a lot about trimming the mobo, I personally haven't for my first project but will definitely try trimming next time
  5. E

    Help My screen wont turn on

    Ok I want to replace the fuse but I don't know what value it is, does anyone know the value of that fuse that blows if you put more than 8.5V through the 7.5V in pin (I don't particularly want to put solder over it, just incase I make another mistake).
  6. E

    Help My screen wont turn on

    I'm pretty sure things being pluged into s-video c when they need ground wouldn't help lol either way as soon as I've got the wires sorted out again I can see if it is the ground thing or not plus it doesn't have the low battery warning (its one of those fancy meters with a low battery warning...
  7. E

    Help My screen wont turn on

    Darkslkayer helped me and we figured out that instead of connecting everything that needed ground to ground I connected it to s-video c (chroma). I'm going to fix this as soon as I can but I haven't done so yet so that might not be the entire problem, but its looking hopeful
  8. E

    Help My screen wont turn on

    Unless I've got my pinouts wrong (which is possible I'm going to double check using a voltmeter in a minute) I've got the following 12V to a voltage regulator with a 8V output to the 7.5V input for the screen GND (mobo), GND (PCB found in the scart plug), GND (voltage regulator) and GND...
  9. E

    Help My screen wont turn on

    Ok after wiring the appropriate wires to the screen I found the screen dosen't even turn on and there is no sound. the gamecube is on because the LED is glowing and the fan is going, but the screen isn't turning on its the PSone screen What are the most common causes for the screen to not turn...
  10. E

    Controller Modding (HELP!)

    I'll try to make it clearer if I were to open up a controller and strip the wire how can I tell which wire is which, since its a third party controller I can't base it on color, do I need the plug bit or is there a way to tell using a multi-meter or something
  11. E

    Controller Modding (HELP!)

    I've seen those pictures I'm talking about inside the actual controller itself, I'm using the venom controller so I can't really go by colors. What I'm asking is how am I to tell which wire is which in in the controller.
  12. E

    Controller Modding (HELP!)

    Thanks so much, I have another quick question. How do I figure out which wire on the Controller board goes to which connection on the port board?
  13. E

    Controller Modding (HELP!)

    I'm not familiar with strip boards, so please correct me if I'm wrong but does it go like this I slot the tact switches in the desired position around the board. I solder wires from the bottom of the strip board to the contacts Happy days or is it slightly different to that as for the contacts...
  14. E

    Controller Modding (HELP!)

    note: I am using the venom controler I'm nearly finished my first portable I've just encounter a problem though I don't know how I should go about modding the controller Originally I wasn't going to mod it but I encounter problems with that as well because I would have to have the controller...