Recent content by DuHasst0

  1. D

    problem with my wasp fusion

    Use a thicker wire for your ground wire, and double / triple check the wiring with a multimeter.
  2. D

    My TwoUp 3D printer, and mods

    I had to buy a new nozzle for my anubis hotend that came the Dang thing. Got it from their page, wasn't bad, but you are going to drill it out use the smallest you can find to match your nozzles diameter and try not to break it of in the nozzle. But with that type of hotend, I would try and find...
  3. D

    Powering on?

    I second that, not having a multimeter would be like the mechanic asking where your dipstick was. You also cannot be 100% sure your wiring is even worth a Dang without a way to check.
  4. D

    My TwoUp 3D printer, and mods

    The clone e3d lite 6 on amazon are of nice quality. I thought I had to you may need a new nozzle for. For shipping I can send you my anubis without thermistor? If I were you I would first try and clean you nozzle via a cold pull if you are running abs or pla, but if you don't have the bed they...
  5. D

    My TwoUp 3D printer, and mods

    So, I have been screwing around with this pretty cheap 3d printer. Designed for bringing 3d printing to the consumer at an affordable price, with a large build area. It has been a long and adventurous journey, but I have done much to this printer to get it functional enough to give me some...
  6. D

    N64 portable, untitled for now

    I just received the heated bed upgrade for the printer... and it was smaller than what I thought it would be, and I didn't look for any pictures of it before I bought it and assumed they would sell a bed that was actually the same build area as they say I have, which is 125mm x 175mm. Well its...
  7. D

    N64 portable, untitled for now

    Such as life... I recently moved to a new home, setting up shop the next couple days. Ordered the heated bed upgrade for my printer. Just waiting on that really and we should really be in business
  8. D

    N64 portable, untitled for now

    Oh man you have no idea the googling, oh the googling. Good thing is that today I spent some time going thru and looking at some articles and playing around with things and thought, I had everything like so close to perfect before with PLA, the PETG was a happy accident and having a Microcenter...
  9. D

    N64 portable, untitled for now

    Ha, I have the what was known as the qu bd twoup, or what's now known as the q3 twoup, no heated bed, the bed is level to the x axis and is level front to back, I have noticed that the build plate is not plane so I had went and bought some lexan sheets that I had cut down to fit and have tried...
  10. D

    N64 portable, untitled for now

    So, I agreed to help someone out awhile back on these forums. I was to create the case for his portable N64. Life has a way of kicking me in the balls alot, so I have been working on some projects to ensure that I am able to give this dude this best case for his portable. So I bought a cheap 3d...
  11. D

    Protobug's second GCP

    Yeah red that sounds like a good method to go as well. So many different ways to solder, altho I did get the suggestion from emukidid. To each their own for sure. Tho you seem to have it. Cheers on that for sure. Wiring a wkf/wasp is not easy business.
  12. D

    Protobug's second GCP

    It does, but I also did mine just fine. I used some double sided tape, used for cell phone glass repairs, to keep the board from moving during. Mine has been stuck to the board just fine.
  13. D

    Where and how do i begin my journey?

    Start with tinning wires, then get an amp kit or a 555 kit, then rebuild the nes power circuit, audio circuit, and video amp. Casing is a whole other game entirely. Fun but difficult, you could be on your way down a very adventurous path. It has many ups ands downs.
  14. D

    Another RetroPie portable

    Teensy is a great way too go, and retropie picks it up out of the box once programmed.
  15. D

    Protobug's second GCP

    Yeah mega had recompiled a bunch of of emu software over on gc forever. Also @protobug not to be insulting or anything negative., but the mega drive adapter you bought is supposed to be a qsb (quick solder board) just butt them up against the dvd drive filters and run solder down the qsb to the...