ZN-40 CNC Commission


Frequent Poster
1. I ship you ZN
2. I send you the monies
3. You CNC ZN-40 to glorious N64 perfection
4. You ship back 2 me
5. ???
6. Profit

PM me if you've got a CNC machine, I'd love someone in the community to do it rather than outsource work.
I just finished all of the software end stuff on this pre built milling station my school bought and since I got it all working for them they're cool if I use it as I need it. I think it's cut volume maxes out at 10x6x7 in^3 but that should be fine for most of the stuff modders would needs cut. What time frame do you need this in? I'm going to be balls out busy for the rest of February but after that I could mill this. Btw our smallest endmill we have is like 1/16" but I was thinking about going and getting a 1/32 for myself to use on plastic.
Adding to this, if you guys make my life easy in terms of prepping it for milling (I'll get into that later) I'll cut stuff for free just pay shipping both ways. I'm gonna make a thread about CNCing stuff for anyone when I have more time.