Xbox component-VGA help (Last thread for today)


No Stranger To Love
Okay, so I have a standard Dell monitor from about 2004 that looks amazing, probably the best 4::3: monitor I have ever seen. I want to use it for my Dreamcast, Xbox, and PC. I have already found something that can help me with that.

Okay, so the Dreamcast already has a VGA cable, so that's easy. The Xbox has to a little dickhead though. It doesn't have a VGA cable. However, it has a component cable. There are no cheap component to VGA converters.

So, here are my options.

1. I can attempt to find a cheap component to VGA converter.
2. I can find a S-Video to VGA adapter? I'm not sure how S-Video would look on a 23" monitor.
3. Ugh...composite to VGA.

Any help/suggestions?
They're all going to look bad.

1. YPbPr to RGB
2. C and L to RGB
3. CL to RGB

Personally, I wouldn't even try. (But that's just me)
ShinyRayquaza said:
you can mod your xbox to output vga.
well, you can. but why in the world would you want to? it requires that you run seriously bad custom firmware, and the video is very washed out. :o
Wait, wouldn't that disable component? Seems kind of a hobson's choice if you ask me.
Yes, I agree. HOWEVER, there are a lot more TVs that support component than there are TVs that support VGA. The TV that I use for gaming has component, but it's a piece of crap and s-video looks just as good (not HD). Upstairs, the TV has two component and one VGA input, so I guess I'm okay there. But what if I wanted to take it to a party, or to school or a friend's house? It would suck to have to connect it to a big HDTV with composite. Component would give you more connection options. Similar problem with the GameCube VGA cable mod. If I ever did it, I would at least try to add a switch.

However, I don't have any friends, and have never been to any parties. Therefore, VGA is probably just fine. I still don't see why it would be difficult to have both, though, either set by software or the mode pins (2+3 I think). I believe there are modchips with that functionality, but I'm not sure.

In any case, I could flash the VGA bios easily, but I don't think I'm going to bother.
You could switch it back if you had a duox2, just flip the switch to get to your non vga bios.